Frage von mtbox:
For some time I read here in the forum with a passive, now I have even, for me a little complicated, question:
An organizer has asked me to stand on his event (a very large youth soccer tournament) short video interviews of the visitors and the supporters and the players to make. The videos will then be published on Youtube and on the website of the organizers involved. It is thought as a feedback tool for the organizers, but of course, synonymous for the visitors to the site and interested in the tournament to get opinions.
In the adult interview partners, the legal situation for me as a layman rather obvious: An Einverständiserklärung on the publication and use of the interview, if necessary and ready.
But how is that with the "player-interviews" of children (in part under 14). They're obviously thrilled and happy to give an interview. But who will sign the consent if the parents are not there? Can the supervisor make the team? Are they for the period of the tournament the "guardian"?
I should perhaps say that I am neither in the video section'm still engaged in journalism, but the interviews with the organizers to the volunteers like himself, because we are friends. I have in these matters is no experience from which I could draw.
I would be glad if someone on the topic to write a few lines, or like a few links synonymous setting where I can capture next.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Ahung No. But if people see and yes even in the synonymous Camera speak, it is actually not a contract in writing exestieren denk ich mal.
Unless the people are informed where the entire broadcast will be no problem.
The supervisor of the respective teams are entitled to education, I can not imagine.
Even me, I can hardly imagine that if the interviews in the context of an event should be published chen, nobody should interfere.
But if you want to be sure, yes, you can s.jeden participants write and mail a signed (or parents) request consent statement.
But under the circumstances, that's what I get for a very exaggerated - the only one you like, a professional can give evidence is the Andreas_Kiel, here in the forum - the email has not synonymous indicated it quickly if you want to know.
B. DeKid
PS: I would rather thoughtless to the sound Camera and etc. make-P
Antwort von deti:

We do this so the DAV:
The looks on the login page of the event as follows:
Only then can we ensure that large and small to prevent misunderstandings or subsequent claims in relation to the publication on us.
Antwort von mtbox:

Thank you both for your replies. I see that it is so very differently. We will be there for us now to make that before the interview to explain where something is published and to ask permission. The children will be a slip mitgeben, which should inform the parents with a contact address at which they can report when they are with a publication not agree.
In the past, there has been no problem with photos of, then this is it synonymous with videos hopefully not the case.
@ B. DeKid: I have, in fact, still a question about the sound, but I will be in the appropriate forum, if it not already a similar exist. ;-)
Antwort von musk74:

basically very simple.
S.18 consent of the person s.besten writing.
under 18 consent of the parents in writing.
synonymous out whether it is personal in the building later as an accessory or focus of the appropriate act.
just watch if the music which is perhaps of any, or as a snack bar or atmo untermahlung represents.
tja because they were once again the 1000 problems of the film.
I would always be very careful.
in violation of copyright or other can and is usually very expensive.
Antwort von markus2h:
The children will be a slip mitgeben, which should inform the parents with a contact address at which they can report when they are with a publication not agree. Thus, you are quite beautiful on the boardwalk - the parents do not have to worry about a contradiction - You have to actively seek the consent to publish care. And if you ignore this, you should be careful that not just some shyster gets wind of it.
Gruß, Markus
Antwort von thos-berlin:

In adults, one can Meining after my active participation in the mere s.dem interview was a good agreement. In addition, the camera already running when the interviewer addresses and explains the project. (We are from the XY association and make a film for our website. Would you give us a few questions answered?).
In children and adolescents, the consent of the parents is necessary.
Regulated is "The right s.eigenen Picture" in § 22 KUG, all but synonymous permits exceptions set out in Section 23 niedegelegt are.
Section 22
Images may be used only with consent of the depicted distributed or publicly shown to the public. The consent is in doubt as issued when the depicted that he could depict a reward received. After the death of the depicted is needed until the expiration of 10 years, the consent of the members of the depicted. Members under this Act shall be the surviving spouse or life partner and the children of the depicted and, if neither a spouse or life partner or children are present, the parents of the depicted.
§ 23
(1) Except in accordance with Section 22 required the consent and may be disseminated for review are:
1.Bildnisse from the fields of contemporary history;
2.Bilder on which the person only as an accessory in addition to a landscape or other location will appear;
3.Bilder of meetings, elevators and similar operations, the presented s.denen people participated;
4.Bildnisse who are not prepared to order, provided that the distribution or exhibition of a greater interest in art serves.
(2) The power will not be spread and ostentation, by showing a legitimate interest of the depicted, or, if it has died, his family is violated.
The (1) 3 could be called synonymous except for public Sportveranstltungen apply.
In how far (2) to limit use it I do not know.
Ultimately this question can only answered by a lawyer.
The idea of the young people interviewed Zellel mitzugeben, I find not bad. But the other way around it is a shoe. Only when the sign zurückkomt, then the interview will be published. This goes at the expense of timeliness, but isrt secure ...
In addition, one could, together with tender and schedule to have the pictures indicate.
Of course, this is only my personal opinion and not legal advice, which I can not give, you can still wants.
Antwort von musk74:

then adopts a child with the paper, it is not from the parents know nothing of, you wait forever to release ultimately must then yes someday come rolling out and then after a half year reports are any sites which do not agree her son is somewhere in the network "such as poor Goalkeeper" is to be seen.
Antwort von deti:

As already said above next: Let the image rights with the signature on the application to guarantee competition. This applies to adults and children by their parents or guardians. An alternative to "opt-in" regime exists in my opinion unlikely.
Public synonymous is a very elastic term, the better you do not start to discuss.
Antwort von musk74:

here and a little like how some people insist on their right:
I have rotated time a documentary about a former SS officer who fell into Russian captivity.
the man lived in berlin. of him myself, I had a written undertaking from the release and assignment, etc.
so. now has the man in the interview very openly expressed his opinion represented.
Contributors to the film was finished after 4 months. 2 months after the interview is the man with 93 years died.
the film has been sent.
2 weeks later came a lawyer write. The family was outraged by the statement of opa and wanted him not to remember.
yes they did not synonymous freigabe granted.
the end of the song were anwalt cost of over 5000 euro and the film had to be ausstrahlung!
Antwort von camworks:

2 weeks later came a lawyer write. The family was outraged by the statement of opa and wanted him not to remember.
yes they did not synonymous freigabe granted.
the end of the song were anwalt cost of over 5000 euro and the film had to be ausstrahlung!
I believe you because you let übern table. consent from a full legal humane enough to broadcast from. related have no right after the assignment. exactly for such cases there is this declaration of transfer, otherwise it would any filmmaker always with one foot in the insolvency.
Antwort von musk74:

switched on was an advocate for copyright from berlin.
there was no chance to cope somehow!
listed are only the attorney's fees until the court hearing!
the cost as hotel, etc. are not included.
the law was clearly on the side of the family!
just like that.
there is a nice report on cameraman
"are documentary criminal?"
Antwort von camworks:

then explain to me please me, why the right location, despite declaration of transfer on the side of the family was.
Antwort von markus2h:
As already said above next: Let the image rights with the signature on the application to guarantee competition.
Deti That means you make the agreement as a condition for participation?
Antwort von chrisl:

@ camworks
Section 22
Images may be used only with consent of the depicted distributed or publicly shown to the public. The consent is in doubt as issued when the depicted that he could depict a reward received. After the death of the depicted is needed until the expiration of 10 years, the consent of the members of the depicted. Members under this Act shall be the surviving spouse or life partner and the children of the depicted and, if neither a spouse or life partner or children are present, the parents of the depicted.
I think that this Clause was the problem.
Antwort von musk74:

you're a real "TERRIER"
du paragraphe mogul! LOL
spass in page.
it should be classified with the law over his own image and music, etc. urheberkram what does not under-estimate.
Antwort von deti:
As already said above next: Let the image rights with the signature on the application to guarantee competition.
That means you make the agreement as a condition for participation? Yes, it is.
Antwort von camworks:
@ camworks
Section 22
n The illustrated that he could depict a reward received. After the death of the depicted is needed until the expiration of 10 years, the consent of the members of the depicted. Members under this Act shall be the surviving spouse or life partner and the children of the depicted and, if neither a spouse or life partner or children are present, the parents of the depicted.
I think that this Clause was the problem. well, I'm no lawyer, but why should an already granted consent in ruins? above is not explicitly mentioned, that the consent before the death of the protagonist was. the clause could be interpreted so synonymous that the broadcasting of interviews without the consent of the protagonists after the death of the members must be granted. that would be understandable in my opinion.
But incidentally, this is a very special case. In case of doubt, the contribution in 10 years to be sent back, as you can read above.
Antwort von musk74:

you're right.
of contributors in 10 years is obviously more valuable again.
we will see.
In 10 years I have determined upon NEN gray and gray eyebrow.
but no preference.
this is nu times
Antwort von camworks:

hmm? who wrote because of "more valuable"? Please do not put me in the mouth. a documented, depending on the topic is timeless and sometimes in 10 years just as interesting as at the time of production. if it is a timeless document, anyway.
then if you have gray eyebrow is totally irrelevant? or buy the new sender Docus but only of people with non-gray eyebrow at?
I have the feeling, you're now a bit confused, can this be? ;-)
Antwort von musk74:

you have quite naturally.
Antwort von camworks:

oh Jott .... na no preference.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... why should an already granted consent lapse? ... As ever an article in the "cameraman" was mentioned: I remember s.den contribution of a specialist lawyer, who was then in essence said that a consent once given is very difficult and, in exceptional cases, to revoke it. The speech was from the so-called "inner transformation": It allows, for example, a party s.den left edge of the politicians wandered broadcasting an interview prevent the dates from a time when he still stood outside.
... you could be the clause be interpreted so synonymous that the broadcasting of interviews without the consent of the protagonists after the death of the members must be approved ... So I would interpret synonymous, but perhaps lawyers see it differently? In court and on the high seas, you know, alone in God's hands ...
Antwort von markus2h:

That means you make the agreement as a condition for participation?
Yes, it is.
Deti Legal point of view comes with the participation of a valid contract - however, whether the style is good - that you can splendid job s.anderer argue - after all you degradierst participants Stastisten your advertising and marketing activities. I do not know whether I wanted as a participant. However, I agree with the synonymous to when I get a ticket for a Bundesliga game to buy - which I personally find very doubtful. But that is another matter.
Gruß, Markus
Antwort von deti:
Legal point of view comes with the participation of a valid contract - however, whether the style is good - that you can splendid job s.anderer argue - after all you degradierst participants Stastisten your advertising and marketing activities. Those who take part in a competition, it must be always directed to the respective regulations. We force no one to take part in our competitions!
At the same time is a lot of effort in such an event, without the sponsors would not be financially viable - and this point has absolutely nothing with the image rights to do so! It is synonymous Quatsch participants in a race than to describe extras - these are players who have something, to which they envy of many others are! Therefore, most participants synonymous proud if they are based on photos or shoot can be seen.
This is something I call a fair deal and not as a demotion!
Antwort von markus2h:

Those who take part in a competition, it must be always directed to the respective regulations. We force no one to take part in our competitions! Full ACK.
At the same time is a lot of effort in such an event, without the sponsors would not be financially viable - and this point has absolutely nothing with the image rights to do so!
I agree with you about synonymous. However, you should be synonymous with some Verstanltungen questions whether there is a smaller number with less BimBamBorium doing would not dive. That is not now s.den DAV, THE, I know enough. But now everyone thinks the village club event of the century up to them.
It is synonymous Quatsch participants in a race than to describe extras - these are players who have something, to which they envy of many others are! Therefore, most participants synonymous proud if they are based on photos or shoot can be seen. Also I agree with you too, when the sporting character remains in the foreground. If such events be abused as many sporting goods manufacturers to let stand space and as much beer and snacks for sale, then I praise province less hyped events, where the sport remains in the foreground.
This is something I call a fair deal and not as a demotion!
Deti I'm going now just assume that you understand very well what I am with the somewhat provocative formulation had meant. And - now I really would like to trace the origin of the thread to come back - a flat signature regarding privacy rights of children depicted is null and void, the court has no stock. Any publication of the image material requires approval by the parent or guardian in the case. Will say, you can material this event with your consent may be safely released to report on this one specific event that any other use is however no case permitted.
Gruß, Markus
Antwort von deti:
And - now I really would like to trace the origin of the thread to come back - a flat signature regarding privacy rights of children depicted is null and void, the court has no stock. Any publication of the image material requires approval by the parent or guardian in the case. Will say, you can material this event with your consent may be safely released to report on this one specific event that any other use is however no case permitted. My endorsement is not, incidentally.
It went very well for the use of photographic material to a specific event. Did I take you to the thread creator or as misunderstood? Even if the published material for 10 years should be online, but this is exactly the case, you've been raised. Or do you want more about the "Director's Cut" of your material in the context of other post?
... and if we are honest, then most of photographic material in which persons are seen displayed, published without their consent. Here countless concerned should seek legal remedy to these and other publications to avoid. This is usually only None, unless the material is not degrading or distorting way. Unfortunately, when it's running in a different way ...
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
der hat ne synonymous email indicated it quickly if you want to know.
But the answer to question no mails in this direction ;-) violation RBerG.
The posts here s.and a few thoughts .. you know they are free.
BG, Andreas
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

But how is that with the "player-interviews" of children (in part under 14). They're obviously thrilled and happy to give an interview. But who will sign the consent if the parents are not there? Can the supervisor make the team? Are they for the period of the tournament the "guardian"?
no, they are not. They are all appropriate supervisors. You can, however, no legal declarations. To such it is, if a broadcast is approved. Therefore (unsatisfactory, but true) can Vollpfosten synonymous coal for their embarrassing performances severely educable brood demand. Under 18 you are just "legal limit".
In advance therefore ask parents and ... Who would have thought? either consent to tape record or in writing beforehand. But astonishingly many are silly, there are on the Internet all the bööööösen people ...
BG, Andreas
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
Contact address when they can report when they are with a publication not agree.
neee, neee ... vice. A non-response here should not be interpreted as consent (with rare exceptions in the trade law, which play no role here).