Frage von newsart:
I would like SxS cards of the EX1/EX3 directly into the PC (not laptop) plug, without the cams, or the Sony USB card reader. For a USB connection but is much slower than the Expresskartewn slot in the laptop. Question: Is there such a compatible SxS Express Card slot synonymous for incorporation into PC case (ie in the drive shaft-type). If yes, where and what kostewt this? Thank you very much!
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Is there such a compatible SxS Express Card slot synonymous for incorporation into PC case (ie in the drive shaft-type). If yes, where and what the kostewt? ... No clue how well it works, but there is at least in this part:
Antwort von WideScreen:

Theoretically you could install a PCMCIA card slot, and then NEN adapter on SxS buy. Unfortunately, then the card slot on the back, because it's not PCI or PCIe card is .....
Guckst here:
Antwort von High_Tension:

Actually it should be done at any PCMCIA slot. You just need to watch that drive on the PCI Express base running and not based on USB, otherwise it reads no SxS cards. But I think internal drives never work via USB (at least I would be new).