Frage von theFox:
Hi All,
My birthday was mentioned above was added with a friend of a borrowed cam. Everything Easily. The problems are beginning, however, when transmitting the data to your PC.
WinXP Prof. SP2
Installation / detection of the action via USB:
Connecting via USB, camera is detected, Drivers CD in the drive, the first drivers are easily installed, then re-detect new hardware and a "pix .. somehow" capture drivers to be installed (one audio, one video). This installation aborts with a CRC error. Well, if broken Drivers on CD, then download the new Netzt for jvc. Unfortunately I can not find a match there for WinXP. In addition, I am not entirely clear which of the various synonymous indicated I would need.
I really want to save only the video on my PC. In order to be able to continue editing. There are more opportunities if I try via firewire? Would have to buy only one cable and then only if it does not work .... then synonymous Or would it be better anyway to use the Firewire?
Has anyone similar experiences with this or any other cams?
I'm thankful for every tip, like the Cam to a friend indeed synonymous irgenwann happy to return again :-)
Thanks in advance
Antwort von jens:

There are more opportunities if I try via firewire? .... Or would it be better anyway to use the Firewire?
Definitely: YES!
FireWire FAQ">S.PC Connect your camcorder and capture images
Antwort von Markus:

Ggf. Service Pack 2 still needs to be uninstalled ...
Antwort von theFox:

Thanks for the info and tips.
Get me erstmal organize a Firewire cable and then test the next week with the action.
Sign up, hopefully with a successful response back :-)
Antwort von Fredlist:

Hello again,
the tip with FireWire was worth gold. Cable connected, connected Cam and off we went. Everything perfect!
Thanks again!
Antwort von Markus:

Thanks for the feedback. The questioner is for some, unfortunately not (yet?) Is not obvious, but just to show the feedback to see if / Was that a tip. :-)