Frage von anonymus:
Hi My ...
Please help me !!!!!!!
Did not the great idea, but now wants to pull MultiMediaCard ner of the images from your camcorder to your PC. I s.den camcorder connected to COM port (and the only connection that fits) and synonymous s.The Camera .. Can with the software supplied (in the cam years ago) but not access the Cam rüberzuziehen the pics ....
Have BS XP ...
For further information was available .... I like
Antwort von jens:

Hi anonymus,
is no such thing in the manual? Did your camera actually a USB port?
hierGood luck,
Antwort von anonymus:

Hi Jens ....
Yes, it is already there in the manual, I got exactly synonymous addressed later, but it does not work anyway! The connector on the video / TV is easier, I'm hinbekommen ....
Nor any drivers may need to be installed or any other for that!?
Thanks for the link, try the same with the views of Prog.
Antwort von anonymus:

Hi ...
The program helped me, unfortunately, has not synonymous next .... He always says "Connect Error" .. Thus, it seems to be somehow recognized RICHITGE nich ... I need drivers nen so that he recognizes the camcorder!? or do I have different preferences when making com port?
'm Quite amateur ... and specially they've nich ahnung of such matters Extra ...
Antwort von jens:
I need drivers nen so that he recognizes the camcorder!? Would not that be pretty bad ...
Was there nothing on my link suitable here? The included CD is not synonymous?
Antwort von anonymus:

Hi Jens ...
The link was only an image manipulation prog. On ... However, no drivers for my camcorder .. 've got everything durchgeguckt ... With the included software programs are also just post-process for little .. However, no drivers, and it is only for the OS Win95/98/2000