Frage von closeup25:
After our first test with the HD100, we are very impressed of the color reproduction herovarragenden (and this despite 8bit and 4:2:0), and the pleasant handling of the camera. Even the much criticized Lens made a very solid impression.
Two limitations exist), however (after about 1 hour test run and we wonder whether the other testers just went: The camera responds to highlights in the Picture with unsightly vertical strokes. Furthermore, abrupt brightness change seems to produce a bifurcation of the image with clearly visible differences in exposure and gradation. JVC here should provide a remedy or even a workaround.
Otherwise: a compliment. Color and space of the image are actually very close s.16mm movie.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Antwort von GhostDog:

Klasse ... And Please Please more info about this as soon as you have more impressions
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Very nice, I'm impressed ...
Antwort von GhostDog:

Really does not look so bad. What does that part for free again? I was so mean in Comparison to FX1/Z1/XLHD1.
And somebody knows where to professional equipment of JVC gets favorable in Germany. Is not so easy to make comparisons like the FX1 on
Antwort von Markus:
And somebody knows where to professional equipment of JVC gets favorable in Germany. For example, in Teltec Broadcast Media *. With professional equipment, no such price dumping, operated as in the consumer market. But you can negotiate the price of the well-HD100, if you - say - want to buy 100 pieces. ;-)
+ + + + Edit
* Teltec I can recommend no more after today's findings. Anyone who wishes further details / needs, please register by email. Anything else would be too lengthy frame.
Antwort von GhostDog:

[quote = "Mark"]
But you can negotiate the price of the well-HD100, if you - say - want to buy 100 pieces. ;-) Yes, that would be just about synonymous s.Camcordern my monthly fuel consumption;)
Antwort von GhostDog:

Here you get the camera for 4400 Euronen, but I have no experience with the shop, and shipping, VAT and possibly Inch are not synonymous within:
Antwort von closeup25:

The thread was intended not as a price-and marketing discussion. Even if the impressive images, they show serious shortcomings.
The goal was actually to move to JVC to fix this. If you earn money with his shooting will, for such shortcomings, a knock-out criteria are. So here again the question: Is this an isolated case or the rule?
Antwort von Sebastian:

Wow, this is truly a hammer ... When vertical smear someone could still come, and therefore justify with the low price of the camera, but the dichotomy of the image, which indeed is the last picture very clearly visible, the camera totally useless!
I would like very much what JVC has to say ...
Do you have the pictures sent s.JVC before??
Would be very nice if you would keep the forum on this subject to date. Thank you very much,
Antwort von closeup25:

Yes. The pictures are gone s.den sales of JVC. Until now, however, still no response. Let's see ...
Antwort von rudi:

The V-smear is perhaps even more debatable, but I would expect such a degree in a 5000 euro Camera in 2005, not really. For me would have the knock-out criterion.
When I saw the third picture, I actually dache that you as some kind of a pre-post Comparison've made. If the line actually occurs during the shoot, the dafinitiv a defect, or conversion ground. Whether there is a new firmware to change something, I doubt that.
Actually remains only to determine whether this is a single defect, or a series of errors. Who here has the camera in the forum?
Antwort von jenso:

That's kind of funny. JVC has a talent in a good camera concept with destroying a small detail.
The best example was the GY-300: Better picture quality than the VX-2100, but then so decided ... wrapped in plastic, that it was thought that divides between the fingers. Then again processed solid camcorder, but never again with the peaks 3CCD technology, the GY-300.
Have so many different design teams with JVC to gather no more of your technology?
And now you might have the only HDV Cam Exchangeable optics with less than 5000 euros in the market, and then shoot a buck with the so-CCDs and / or the signal electronics!
Too bad, I had the camera already firmly in mind, but that's it then probably only once. Get me well but with a fix to befriend Optics as Canon is yes but got a little expensive.
OT: Is this really fancy, or any successor to the XL1 was far more expensive than its predecessor?
Antwort von wolfgang:

And the aforementioned problems, I have not seen.
Antwort von closeup25:

Hello Wolfgang,
which means: "not seen"?
Not established () for your model or overlooked in this thread? This is especially against the background that at least the problem with the split Bidlschirm synonymous already been posted elsewhere. The V-Smears, however, were new to us.
If you can explain to us were a little bit?
Antwort von Marco:

This "split-screen phenomenon" is a known problem that synonymous in various U.S. forums has already surfaced.
Antwort von Jan:

na in CMOS chips would not have happened, but I can not imagine that the best will in which the bug is so extreme occurs in every model.
The JVC has slept with so its 3 CCD or the signal processing that can not be yes.
Wolfgang, please do another test with different light sources and write to us as it fails.
Many users would certainly be interested
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Wolfgang has returned the camcorder!
Antwort von closeup25:

is returned with the HD-100 a claim, or you has it really?
Just to explain: Our HD-100 was a subscription service. More surprising! I wonder about anyone who wants to do as a filmmaker. The Smears are visible in the viewfinder too. The Split-screen was, however, under these conditions (sunshine) only visible in the post. There is an emergency in Poland already lost. Who ultimately pays the customer for such a picture?
Antwort von Marco:

Bruno is back in his element.
It is for honest people are in fact quite normal that they return a camera again when she was hired for a test.
Antwort von Gast:

Very nice, I'm impressed ...
Ich lach mich tot Our Bruno is excited. Once again you can see what their expertise is in this man. "g"
Antwort von wolfgang:

Sorry, was not here for some time.
Bruno has so far right, as I have the device after the test again given back. Therefore, unfortunately I can try anything.
But again I have looked through my test material. There are some scenes that occur where short reflections of passing cars, but did not lead to the smear effect, at least for my device. But I have shown here "image halving" not in the whole material can determine.
In one of the predecessor models, the PD1, I do, however, the smear effect just noticed rather unpleasant.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

'm still excited of the pictures ...
Antwort von Jan:

Hello you,
each has its areas where he knows a lot about, the one with the other at Einsteigercams ProfiCAM or is cut pro.
That's why we're here, in the whole of a small Power Slash with Cam, because we can answer many questions. In many forums, the majority of users have only limited basic knowledge, and only token questions are answered.
I just got eingelockt recently in a major video forums where the issue was with how the compression eg SonyDVD models run. That went without rain here zb, Divx, and yet very different formats, synonymous of the 10th did not give a correct answer, this is great on it MPEG2.
I'm curious times, whether the notice of the test magazines with the smear effect in the HD 100 / 101?
Videoaktivdigital has so recently with the 1000 Extra filmed SonyPC light sources, and when you could see nothing at all of smear effect but, unfortunately, synonymous with the very good Panasonic GS 250 with CCD 's.
The testers said it is up to the Clear CMOS chip in the relationship smear is, unfortunately, have the CMOS chips, but more disadvantages than advantages, at least for the PC 1000th
Antwort von wolfgang:

Jan, synonymous, it is possible that this phenomenon does not just show all devices.
The knowledge of forums will always be limited, synonymous of Slashcam or other forums, simply because there may well (hardly see the designers of such a question and answer device may want to, try to find out).
Antwort von Robert Niemann:

Hello "closeup25"
I thank you for your brief experience report problems with the JVC GY-HD100, and would be delighted if you start it still continues. Moreover, synonymous, I come from Berlin and I know the places s.denen You Test Your pictures have done very well.
On the subject of split screen as follows: The problem occurs when any of these devices, preferably under Low-Light/High- gain or when abrupt brightness variations. The reason is this: "Because the image is captured progressively from such a large sensor (well in terms of pixel count), there were no existing technology designed to capture the information the sensor was sending out in a single pass. JVC decided to use two existing circuits to scan each half of the chip separately. Despite the fact that they have a comparator type arrangement for supply to these circuits, minute differences in voltage can manifest sa difference in black levels. "(Source: = 51894). I am not aware that JVC will fix this problem.
Antwort von Jan:

Hello you,
The knowledge of forums will always be limited, synonymous of Slashcam or other forums, simply because there may well (hardly see the designers of such a question and answer device may want to, try to find out). And sometimes the knowledge itself is not like one of my beweisst JVC or Sony contributions!
Sonysetzt already more on CMOS chips, and Matsushita (Panasonic) has recently confirmed in the near future to publish first Panasonic models with CMOS chips.
Canon is usually slept like a trend, but later follow suit.
Good for CMOS Chip's says:
- Cheaper manufacturing costs
- Lower power consumption
- Described the smear effect (blooming) does not exist
- Flexible in Signalauslesung (eg different areas of 4:3,2:3, 16:9, or video frequencies)
And for CCD 's
- Increased sensitivity to light
- Less noise, color or brightness
- Smaller space requirements
views see what happens ...
Antwort von Robert Niemann:

Hello "closeup25"
Relating to smear (Picture 1 and Picture 2) gives the manual on Page 9 / 13 intelligence:
Antwort von closeup25:
Hello "closeup25"
Relating to smear (Picture 1 and Picture 2) gives the manual on Page 9 / 13 intelligence: Thank you very much. What the manual says, but it is a bit of a problem: "Nevertheless, please take note that smear or blooming may be induced when shooting a bright light source."
In other words, who holds the camera on a highlight is his own fault. This may somehow be. It's been done before, and without smear ...
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

CMOS chip to provide for my sifting through the material rather blunt and farbflaues Picture in Comparison to the 3CCD chip.
Antwort von Robert Niemann:

Hello "closeup25.
I have seen today a film of Konrad Wolf - "The Divided Sky" from 1964 -, and s.einer point there was a Smeareffekt. So something that relates synonymous traditional film technology. Try it in such cases (when a video camera) times with a longer exposure time. And here's a link:
Antwort von videokoepfe:

We have borrowed the HD100 for a day and can not achieve this "error-effects". As soon as we can edit the recorded material synonymous sense, is such a device (101) probably linger in our material, cabinet ... We are more accustomed to handling the big Sony Cameras and the conversion was Easiest. Still s.selben day I would like a feature film rotated. On HD projector synonymous saw the picture of tidy. Only our Edit Suite with Avid has not participated, unfortunately. Given what still needs to be done and I hope that this year is still going on.
Antwort von closeup25:

Well then, Eureka! Maybe JVC has indeed actually somewhat s.der Case rotated. As for Avid, but is little hope for improvement prior to 2 Quarter of 2006. After consultation with the responsible project manager, the problem is that there is probably within the AVID development has generally not yet been 24p and 25p HD format. In addition, Avid has obviously at first only the U.S. market in mind, and therefore first developed the 30p format. After this statement of Mr. Bauerle, there is synonymous with Final Cut no corresponding format.
Antwort von wolfgang:

I think this is a typical phenomenon of a change-over - of SD to HDV editing. Some editing programs have come so far halt, others have yet to follow suit. In general, the JVC has obviously NLE Manufacturer extremely late testers made available - and thus the halt lasts yet. From the Vegas Page I myself know of the development department, that they hold for a long time no device available.
I'm sure that will implement the AVID synonymous - is only a matter of time. Vegas is the processing of the material as already half - during capturing of the HD101 happerts yet. Edius can capture the material already, but only 720 actually supports 30p - although the skin processing is already halfway through.
Stop is always the question of whether we can switch to another NLE, or whether from the perspective of production does not go, and they tend to wait until their own house and yard software is synonymous so far.
Antwort von closeup25:
but only 720 actually supports 30p
That feels synonymous Avid Xpress HD. Even not only real, but really. But: What does that help us in Europe? We would like to purchase the camera, despite all their faults, because their handling and their image quality under appropriate circumstances are truly exceptional. Without proper post but that does not go. And there is, unfortunately at the moment for PAL unfortunately nothing in sight synonymous (No Alternative Programs ...). Too bad.
Antwort von closeup25:
We have borrowed the HD100 for a day and can not achieve this "error-effects". Small PS: The error, of course, arise only when there are the situations described as a motive. We had the camera back in action yesterday: stage events with many moving lights. The V-Smears were again obvious and omnipresent. However, plenty of exercise in the Picture little disturbing.
Would I really wonder what firmware version of the camera because you have borrowed (and, hint: it provides some bugs just really only in the post. That was clearly not the case with you ...). But if the Smears really were not reproducible, we would like to examine a model from the same series.
Antwort von closeup25:
After this statement of Mr. Bauerle, there is synonymous with Final Cut no corresponding format. Since I have to immediately correct itself once again. I just read that Lumiere, a beta version for the 24p and 25p format, the HD-100 offers for Final Cut Pro ...
Antwort von Superjoe:

I got nearly one month and in HD101, and the error pixels 2teilung the picture, I immediately recognized on a JVC DTV multi-standard monitor. The 2teilung the picture is very much on at 18dB gain, but when you put a closer look to find it really always has no preference as the lighting situation. Particularly strong is the effect I noticed synonymous with skin tones.
The camcorder, I can go back again soon. My dealer has assured me, when new models arrive, send them next only after sufficient testing. Still, I am of this camcorder concept but excited, just not of the faults.
If someone is interested, I have an address of a company synonymous to find out who wrote an "extension" for Avid and 200 ¬ to want that one now can capture 720 25p with Avid XpressProHD.
Antwort von closeup25:
If someone is interested, I have an address of a company synonymous to find out who wrote an "extension" for Avid and 200 ¬ to want that one now can capture 720 25p with Avid XpressProHD. Hi Anonymous,
clearly of interest to us the address of this company (why not posted?). Thank became synonymous (for verification of errors made in this thread so partly in question). We also find the camera really well (handling, processing, etc.). Only s.Workflow and the said bugs still lagging behind ...
Thank you for forwarding the address so ...
Antwort von wolfgang:

Have you ever been to consider given that these same mistakes could occur only with a
part of the equipment? For me it was definitely not the case.
Antwort von brothermikee:

Mr. Reentjes told me synonymous of an option, including, if the camcorder at suh-edv ordered.
That should not be a surreptitious, I have nothing to do with the company. But when I'm at it I ordered my camcorder at Picture the country.
Antwort von closeup25:
... could occur only in a subset of devices? For me it was definitely not the case .... Dear Wolfgang,
so I would love to believe this: The V-Smear the systemic (available even in the manual as a reference ...). The split that looks similar to: The HD-100/101 is the first 720p HDV Camera with full pixel count. Consequence: Extremely high data throughput. JVC solution: Do not develop new, but rely on already exists. The chips are read out of two circuits simultaneously, sharing the halves of the picture and it halves the data throughput (hence the synonymous split). Since it is extremely difficult, two color spaces and light curves (perfect sync with each other to anyone who has ever worked with Soft-Edge, know what I mean is created), sometimes a visible difference. I am not so far announced that JVC has changed because something essential.
Antwort von wolfgang:

Dear Timecode: Media,
First, it is not true that the HD100/101 the first 720p HDV camcorder would. What is with some of the JVC GR HD1 delivers the 720-30p in all its glory? GR HD1 and HD101 s.US was
before the market.
Furthermore, if that would be impossible in principle, not a tester, I could catch, which did not have the problem. And because I was so free, and had even made himself filmed video footage into the network - is download the video-venue bar. For me, the HD101 has not just shown the error of the splits and the Smears - though I concede to the smear that that happens in my film material is very isolated.
I doubt your findings, I None ways - but kindly doubt synonymous not mine. There are obviously stop different devices in circulation, and how to read in U.S. forums, devices with this defective so successfully prepared of JVC (which I expect at this price synonymous).
Antwort von closeup25:
What is with some of the JVC GR HD1 delivers the 720-30p in all its glory? The GR-HD1 has to my knowledge, only one chip, as well as either the full pixel count, nor do they provide 720p50 and 720p60, as the HD-100. That doubles the amount of data at least once more. I doubt not at all synonymous s.der accuracy of your presentation. But: How do I find out in advance whether the purchased camera now has the bug or not? Unfortunately we have neither the time nor the nerves, the camera x-fold up and send forth, as some of us had known owners, unfortunately, do that. Including the associated lost productivity and additional (rental is free) which is a rather high price. Sorry ...
Antwort von chrisgau:
And there is, unfortunately at the moment for PAL unfortunately nothing in sight synonymous (No Alternative Programs ...). Too bad.
I use more recently, a GR-PD1, the so synonymous 25p and 50p outputs. The processing works in Sony Vegas with the help of intermediates actually quite good, so I do not really understand why there should be no alternative Programs. Of course, Vegas is not an AVID and certainly no generally accepted standard in the professional production world. But ... it works.
Antwort von closeup25:

[/ quote]
I use more recently, a GR-PD1, the so synonymous 25p and 50p outputs.
[/ quote]
There was always the question of HDV and ProHD.
Antwort von wolfgang:

So true, of course, that the HD10U well 720 25p and 720 30p recording onto tape. According to the technical data it has actually in HD mode, only 840,000 pixels, which is not entirely theoretical s.The 921,600 pixels of full 720p Resolutionherankommt.
And of course this is only a single chip, but the device is synonymous significantly cheaper than the HD101. The fact that here is slightly scaled up - well, that's not even all that unusual to not make synonymous Sony devices something?
The PD1: well, which is of quite a lot of people disguised as betrachet HDV camcorder has the least effective in the HiRes mode so synonymous 1280x659 pixels. There are indeed synonymous, the persistent rumor that the PD1 material was only runtergepatched, may be different so only in the firmware of the HD10U. The data rate of the material, despite SD resolution with the identification of 720 25p - and in some tools it provides for a higher synonymous Resolutiondes material, pure as the SD resolution. At the very least, the material can be in quite good quality, extrapolated to 720 25p.
Regardless, these two were quite precursor Camcorde devices HD101.
It should be synonymous say clearly that the tape recording, of course, made with the HD100 and HD101 25p/30p synonymous only in 720th The output can than 720 50p/60p only one stop of the outputs of the camcorder, but this is obviously an interesting variation. We must then immediately stop to record a corresponding map in the editing system - Decklink is indeed such a possibility. Unfortunately, this probably goes a little more just in a studio environment - as far as I know the recording is available on the optional hard drive so synonymous only in 720 25p quality.
How does one should recognize in advance whether a device is defective? Well, this is certainly very difficult. I'm assuming that JVC synonymous here to learn, and hopefully will be ok in the future, the devices already in the delivery. Otherwise, unfortunately, we stop paying the price for the unpleasant Introduction of a new technology with which didn't stop teething. Is not it beautiful, it should not happen in the professional area, but cars were already synonymous recall campaigns - before sowas one is immune, unfortunately, never.
Antwort von closeup25:

I just read in an American forum that, JVC in less than six months is already planning a successor to the HD-100/101. Features: Black and white viewfinder, Firewire out with a higher data rate (ie, more than 19 Mbit ProHD), and multi-format 1080i/720p. Because someone else already knows more about it? If so, I would long geldulden (because support the important editing Programs, at least the European format of the camera not yet anyway ...)
Antwort von Lothar1:

I have read so much, would be named 200 and HD in the spring will come on the market.
Antwort von wolfgang:
I just read in an American forum that, JVC in less than six months is already planning a successor to the HD-100/101. Features: Black and white viewfinder, Firewire out with a higher data rate (ie, more than 19 Mbit ProHD), and multi-format 1080i/720p. That would be absolutely great - should be especially if the can 720 50p, and you can record the synonymous to the plate!
1080i only partly inspired me because I would have liked, ideally, 1080 50p.
Are you who views a link? In what forum was it?
So on sowas I would like to wait.
Antwort von baddimi:

Hello Wolfgang, is made. Especially for you. Please note the end ...:
Just got off the phone with a JVC factory technician, and he basically confirmed everything Steve's been saying.
There is split-screen in every camera manufactured, and it's not going away.
The confusion between U.S. and non-US cameras has to do with the delay between U.S. and non-US units. non-US territories received their product long before the U.S. did. Non-US territories are now receiving the same level of firmware that the U.S. is using. The version that I have (version 1.17) is the latest, and that's what everyone else is getting too.
The split screen is not going away. It will be forever with the HD100. It can not be "fixed, it can only be minimized by not shooting in low light circumstances, etc.
He did say that units that have not "warmed up" yet are more prone to showing the effect, so after it's been on for five minutes it should be self-calibrated more accurately than it is straight out of the box.
He said that so you can sometimes notice the Autocalibration in effect when changing gain levels - sometimes you boost the gain and see the split-screen but it goes away after a couple of seconds. That's the calibration
But there are scenarios where you're going to see split-screen. It is the nature of the beast. And it will not go away. Those who are claiming their cameras do not have it, probably do not know where to look for it, but he says they all have it and it's the price they (and you) have to pay to get a native-pixel 1 / 3 "HD imager s.this price point.
Antwort von closeup25:

And once more for clarification of the split screen is definitely a (permanent) limitation of the Camera and is not synonymous to resolve, because systemic. This matches my information so far: The camera makes virtually the same thing as a soft-edge projection projector. The visible screen is processed centrally of two independent units. Color space and brightness can be calibrated only arithmetically with each other. Anyone who has been working with Soft-Edge, knows how difficult this is and how easy at changing image content visible differences between the image halves (caused not only brightness but) above all synonymous space. The last firmware update minimizes the effect somewhat, but not eliminate it completely. JVC notes related complaints to the attention of a shrug.
It's a shame because the camera for this price range otherwise really is an absolute monster picture! I just footage of the new Canon XL-H1 (from loaded. Not nearly a comparison ...
But what of it: If one of Rotary 5K expensive comes home and must find that the images are divided into two Häflten, Holland is in need Then we turn honestly prefer a little longer to SD ...
Antwort von Jan:

Hello Robert,
very interesting, I did not realize the expected slower shutter speed with a possible improvement.
Antwort von wolfgang:

So just thank you for the info. A device where you can see this defect in fact, I would accept, of course, not synonymous, wiegesagt, with me it was not evident.
But HDV is overall still a young field, it will indeed see how the HD200 will actually be (the U.S. hold discussions are highly speculative, but quite interesting).
I am synonymous wonder when JVC finally throws in Europe 720p camcorder on the market, but cheaper than the HD101. Or will you leave this market Sonyalleine?
Antwort von MartYn:

Had last weekend with the camera rotated. Inside Aussenaufnhamen as synonymous. Bedekter sky and once with a beautiful sunset. I can see ANY TWO of the malfunction. Of course I did not know that you are looking for the mistakes, "" should, since I have read only 2 days later.
However, we have 'only' in DV 25p mode rotated. Since the film should be finished next week cut, we did not bother us with half-baked solutions to the JVC editing (eg, of Cineform).
Short test looks through the "HDV" mode, however, have been synonymous nothing of this error.
The deadline is an important stop :-(
Antwort von Jan:

Hello you,
I was quite surprised when I test for the new JVC VideoAktivDigital Dec / Jan
had read, in which was "The camcorder is much less sensitive to interference compared to the smear JY HD 10, as trigger point light sources in the Picture.
Corresponds to the truth or have slept?
The JVC HD 100 were synonymous in the whole off quite well and was strongly compared with the Z 1, which was the biggest cons included "MagerAkku" (Let There was so big with 2800 mAh in the test, but other Manufacturers are usually not even synonymous giving portable)
Antwort von prem:

Read the complete article you can your way to
I found the test very poorly known about the quirks of the camera: Smear, split screen, dead pixels, chromatic aberration. Digital In other words, too willingly, and that does not necessarily mean the independence of 'Videoaktiv. The lens is simply a disaster. The more absurd the following text, which read recently on the website of JVC Professional Germany:
"Lens for GY-HD100 wins Emmy - Congratulations to Fujinon!
From here, our sincere congratulations s.The colleagues of Fujinon, who won for their 'Lens Technology Developments for Solid State Imaging Cameras in High Definition format' technical Emmy the 'National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences'.
Also you can take advantage of the technical feat: finally comes our GY-HD100 ProHD camcorder synonymous with a Fujinon HD Lens. "
To once again return to the digital items in the "Videoaktiv": With synonymous lacked a detailed assessment of the Cinema modes, because I think the camera makes great pictures in this regard.
Antwort von lxo:

now have the HD101 and have to say, no split screen is more, no preference with which lighting, contrast or color, even with 18db Gain recognize anything anymore.
The color shifts are synonymous strangely not as strong as my first model, only in very bright areas, one can identify a fuzzy halo.
If I have the material tested with one JVC DTV Multi-format 19 inch.
I'm excited, I have to say and what I have Sonygesehen of the, has not convinced me by far.
Antwort von closeup25:

We now have an HD-100 purchased. However, not upgrade without the camera in advance of the JVC Service and to be adjusted. After initial production, everything seems to be wonderful. The images have a lot of space, a thoroughly convincing and drawing - even down converted to PAL - a brilliance and sharpness, at least DigiBeta achieved level. Wow!
A split-screen effect, as shown on the first test images, could we have not reproduced again. Drop-outs - even with relatively cheap tape material - were very limited. And V-smear occurred synonymous None. So all around satisfaction. But important! Only with new firmware and corresponding adjustment ...
Antwort von closeup25:

Hello Ixo
now have the HD101 and have to say, no split screen is more, no preference with which lighting, contrast or color, even with 18db Gain recognize anything anymore. You right grant, is so.
The color shifts are synonymous strangely not as strong as my first model, only in very bright areas, one can identify a fuzzy halo. Here, too, completely congruent experience: The halo was very clear when open with Aperture and Focus Tele journeys such as between the branches of a tree with the sky were made as a background. Otherwise, a minor issue.
I'm excited, I have to say and what I have Sonygesehen of the, has not convinced me by far. Absolutely your opinion. And the same applies to the Canon still synonymous with.
Antwort von r.p. television:

I cut some time ago with Premiere Pro 2.0 HD material 100th (Concert with diffuse reddish stage lighting, using scanners of Traverse above). Ignorant of the mistakes of the separation by the signal processing chip gives the halves.
I was shocked because I thought the compression would force, in conjunction with tape dropouts of the signal so much to its knees.
Unfortunately I have completely given the material and now I can not remember exactly how the split screen looked at me. If I am not mistaken, there was even a spatial displacement seen in the scanner's rays - not just brightness and color matrix were also affected.
That this is a technical error and conditional sowas goes into production, I can not believe it.
But JVC has done it so synonymous in the late seventies, the worst home video) system established in the market (due to better contracts with the distributors.
Sure it's a matter of taste, but in general is the representation of very ugly and jerky motion bothers me personally. The statues on the net and magazines all look so very beautiful, because to be deinterlact unlike the 1080i codec not only the images before printing. Therefore, the Comparison falls short in the individual images and the 1080i format is at a disadvantage. But there is now a video views of moving images.
Because I find when running the video image SonyFX1 but convincing.
The Canon XL H1 has disappointed me for a loan erstmal total, because the picture was so flat and the colors very pale. But after extensive adjustment of the custom presets the best picture ever!
Taste and, unfortunately, stop the double is a bit unwieldy when you Schultercams Sony is accustomed.
I then bought it myself but after much dithering, and her after me XD CAM HD F330 (initially) was too expensive.
Before I open a new thread:
Have recently been in any forum (unfortunately can not remember where) snapped that the XD CAM HD series produced some aberrations that occur seem to be systemic and over again. Unfortunately not know the nature of those errors.
But as I liebäugle with one purchase of such a camcorder, I would still like to know if anyone has heard of you as well, or has even made himself expereience it.
Antwort von Galvanes:
... that the XD CAM HD Series produces some aberrations that occur seem to be systemic and over again. Unfortunately not know the nature of those errors. Do you think possibly there:
described problems with the automatic Apperture control?
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von closeup25:

Hi RP,
had spent much time here not seen again. For your field report: The situation that you have rotated so the hardest possible thing you can imagine for this camera. Therefore it is not made easy. But if you turn in environments in which to counter or control glare and also with some degree camera moves around (just like movies with a Camera) deliberately bypasses, one gets the picture that has no equal. We have now with the HD-(100 several documentaries usfür the ARD, SWR produced and Phoenix) and a cinema commercial synonymous and will always have nothing but praise for the quality. One would never try to auszulöffeln with a knife, a soup. Thus, it is synonymous here. The HD-100 is not an event-camera. When properly installed, they produced incredibly vivid pictures ...
Antwort von r.p. television:

@ gast
No, no error control of Apperture, but if I remember correctly there were something like a Halbbildversatz in certain scenes. Have the times passed over quickly, so I can not remember exactly. But it seems a mistake arise, which apparently looks as if they had made in my mail an error in the field dominance.
But just do not know it.
@ closeup:
Among the Drehbedinungen of you described, I believe you like that your camera synonymous with consistent skin tones produced beautiful pictures, but a Allroundcamera it is unfortunately not so.
For EB, documentation (where one is constantly waving synonymous MUST) they not be used.
Unfortunately I could not even me her work. Have only told how to get the material to select and cut and was a little puzzled how I should arrange pictures of two identical cameras, which produced at Free Run timecode partially within the same frame for the reader, the same error.
Have synonymous with the Canon produces some of cinema spots and using custom presets and post pictures came out very consistent, which is not involved as a puzzle for a long time was whether (it had to be gefazt) now jump to 35 is rotated or concerns deinterlactes Video .
But the ideal HD camcorder under $ 10000, it does not yet exist.
I would something like the old DSR-300) as an HDV version of wish (ie, a real Shoulder Camcorder with real mechanical Objetkiv. With a Lowlightverhalten as the Z1 and a sharpness as the XL H1 viewfinder ...... and one as the HD CAM SRs.
Antwort von closeup25:

Hi RP,
Have synonymous with the Canon produces some of cinema spots and using custom presets and post pictures came out very consistent, which is not involved as a puzzle for a long time was whether (it had to be gefazt) now jump to 35 is rotated or concerns deinterlactes Video . These pictures I would like to see. My experience with the Canon showed a different picture there. But I would convince you. What bothers us, however s.der XL s.meisten H1 is that, like its predecessor (with which we still occasionally working) does not allow for continuous adjustment of the aperture, and regardless of the lens. In addition, we are happy to work with F-stops, and because the standard lens is the Canon of death ...