Frage von Akbar:
I'm new in this forum and I have in the contributions of the forum and wanted a lot of similar posts found, read, try some - unfortunately without success. I hope that one knows and mercy to the "old" theme again replied .....
My problem:
For some time I started recording, I have the PC and TV card record cutter for cutting in Merano to bucking. This happens primarily when rapid foreground image sequences before moving background. Quiet scenes are ok .. And as I said, this was not always so!
I do s.PC via TV card Technisat SkyStar HD (current software version) to the recording. The playback in Media Center of Technisat and playback on PowerDVD7 is ok.
Demux with ProjectX - then playback with PowerDVD is still ok.
Cut with cutter V.169a Merano. Even when viewing in Merano Cutter is bucking the visible and when it is very strong, it is synonymous after the cut in PowerDVD visible and the file is useless, because then pulls it through to the VOB files I create with ConvertXtoDVD .
The frame rates are up to the end of processing for PAL 25 fps.
The TV card was of Technisat already exchanged because they were not a malfunction.
On the hardware it should not be synonymous is because it is so synonymous have almost a year has worked wonderfully.
Use Hardware:
MB S-775 P965 ASUS P5B Deluxe WiFi
S-775/C2D CPU Intel E6600 Dual Core, 2.40 GHz
NV GF7600GT PCIe, 256MB (Gigabyte) GA-NX76T256D-RH
update with the latest versions of graphics card, bios ....
Also Technisat of the guys have given up and refer to "flat neuaufsetzen and make the PC's ".....
Hm, it graust it to me - are there alternatives?
I look forward to your replies.
Yours sincerely,
Antwort von Akbar:
"I hope that one knows and mercy to the" old "theme again replied ....." ... yes that is a very dumb forum .....
Even if everything I have done wrong should be, but it would be worth at least a reprimand, is not it?
What do you think? Should I send my hope that I've set this forum simply buried, or someone recognizes me from this forum have the chance of a reply?
.... in silent hope
Antwort von Markus:
I do s.PC via TV card Technisat SkyStar HD (current software version) to the recording. I have your contribution times heading into the "television" moved, as it probably comes from advertising recorded herauszuschneiden shooting. There could be greater the chance that someone the solution to your concerns known.
Otherwise, users would be here not so restrained. ;-)
by moderator
Antwort von Martin Dienert:

Hi Akbar,
times then I try to help.
1. Synonymous when it shakes you the DVD with a hardware DVD player s.TV ansiehst?
No: Well then everything is in order. Tip of the follow Hotline (PC platt made).
Yes: If frame must be precisely cut parts video s.den interfaces to be recalculated. This Cuttermaran use an external encoder. Just use a different encoder. Problem solved?
Yes: Freu dich.
No.: Partial send the channel with relatively high bitrate. Must s.einer body with plenty of something to be recalculated (eg because you have greater long GOPs 15 images can re-calculate) the bitrate for a DVD to be quite high. Recalculation long GOPs off. Gehts now?
Yes: Toll.
No: When you cut make sure the only s.erlaubten image is cut (AT-Cut -> I-frames, cutting-OUT -> I-or P-frames) and recalculation of long GOPs off. So nothing is recalculated. And, successful?
Yes: Na geht doch.
No: ??????????????????
Synonymous Cuttermaran has a
Schon mal
Antwort von Akbar:

Hello Martin,
Thank you for your offer to help.
Here is a short statement to you of the points raised:
1. Almost every film in the jerky Cuttermaran is bucking a very strong, then it is synonymous to the DVD and is synonymous for a player visible.
2. Another encoder, I will try later.
3. "Reroute long GOPs off":
In which program s.welcher body and I can see this setting and change. I have found nothing in Cuttermaran and not synonymous with Technisat (recording settings).
If you give me this one can give assistance,
that would be great!
4. "(IN-Cut -> I-frames, cutting-OUT -> I-or P-frames)": Yes, I cut the same way Cuttermaran leaves the garnicht synonymous with me differently.
I will be your forum to the Council of Cuttermaran to see and then follow your "promotional offer" mind ....
Thank you very much