Frage von LUC4S:
the completion of my thesis I am looking for someone of my rendered. mov files together into a video editing program that can cut. Estimated length of 2-3 minutes. I live in Berlin, and it is probably due to the amount of data (15gig) easier here to work together. Fee we can arrange an interview. Of time, I can shclecht estimate.
I am delighted to have answers, pleased synonymous by mail s.lucasrottlaender s.web dot de.
The whole thing must be made ready in mid-March.
See you soon, I hope
Antwort von svennibskciu:

Hi Lucas
To what kind of material is it?
If interested.
Antwort von svennibskciu:

. mov files ... but is it? ;)
Antwort von svennibskciu:

What you understand under "zusammenzuschneiden a video?
Could you some information about what you expect of the video - such as title - or text insertions, crossfades, effects, soundtrack, music, etc. ...?
What kind of output format you need - a file, a tape, a DVD with / without the authoring ...?
Antwort von svennibskciu:

check mail;)