Frage von homebass:Hello,
I hope you can recommend me a good and especially small bag for the Canon MVX 30i / MVX 35i!
I looked in all the stores already, but imme rnur large pockets found, but I would like to have a small bag, ideal for the Cam and is still one or 2 Batteries.
price would have no preference whether cheap or expensive.
Thank you in advance.
home bass
Antwort von Markus:
Take time to measure your camcorder (Height x Width x Depth) and look for times
Antwort von homebass:
As far as I was, the sc-2000 is indeed offered directly of canon, but I am too big, I also thought that maybe I can recommend one with the same cam right one!
thanks anyway!
Antwort von Markus:
But with the precise dimensions synonymous But you can look for small pockets ..!?!
Otherwise, take your camera along with Batteries and tapes (which is simply all has to fit into the pocket) and equip the local dealers (video - and photo shops, art markets) a visit. As you can see the spot, which s.besten bag to fit your needs and what you like s.besten. Material, processing, handling and design are certainly not synonymous with neglect ... ;-)