Newsmeldung von slashCAM:0.7.3 available Kdenlive of rudi - 16 Apr 2009 15:55:00 The Linux video editing program is Kdenlive s.sofort in version 0.7.3. available. Besides code cleanup were synonymous new features such as clip-grouping, rendering lists scripting, 2Pass encoding, Locks of traces and the separation of video and audio added.
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Antwort von joerg:
How can I get with Kdenlive (and synonymous Open Movie Editor) in the second internal hard drive mount, where the Videodatein are.
The mount the second hard drive in Linux is "/ media / CUT" (under Windows' E: \ CUT "). Do I have since GParted what some editing.
Dolphin shows me the contents of synonymous to "/ media / CUT" for AVI files for editing, synonymous when I here a completely different file system to use.
With Avidemux, Cinelerra, movies or PiTiVi I have access to the second internal hard drive and can edit video files synonymous.