Frage von DirkStrauch:
I'm not sure whether I'm in the right category, but decide themselves ..
I want to create a movie for a friend going to run on an LCD TV in a shop window. This Television has beispielseise one Resolutionvon 1366 x 768 pixels. This is already a Resolutionvon 16:9. Good, no problem. But what format should I use now? Pal DVD has 720x576. As the television sets Resolutionum? Or do I just make a film with 1366 x 768 pixels? How do I get the best / sharpest resolution? The film will be a CD / DVD / VCD / SVCD. The Television is in the shop window and is connected to a DVD player. So far not made a purchase, I was primarily with the history of Resolutionklären ...
Dirk Strauch
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

I create with Premeire Pro 2.0 from my high-definition HDV raw HDV videos with a bit rate of 25Mbit. Burn these videos then data DVDs, memory capacity 20 min (DL-DVD approximately 40 minutes). For playing of the PC hard drive or from the local DVD drive, I use an HD network player ShowCenter 200 (street price at 160 ¬ uro) and dine these high-resolution video (1440 x 1080) to the YPbPr input for HDTV (1920 x 1080). I can deal with HD video from the comfort of your living room via FB retrieve. The network cable is neatly placed in my case a total length of 20m, in conduits. Alternatively, I can cut HD video replay to synonymous miniHDV camcorder and supplying to the HDTV via HDMI.
No, muding hochaulösende videos to PAL 720x576, which I no longer do ...