Frage von enix:
've already intensively with both Camordern apart and put a lot of them do not seem to take to ... Now I would like to einolen experiences of people with one or even both cams call their own.
What should I buy now. Is sufficiently large to justify the higher price fer HC1? Can the HC3 synonymous compete without all the manual settings auto?
In short, what are the pros and cons of the two cams?
Thank you very much
MfG enix
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Suppose we can s.Du you would have dealt extensively with both camcorders, then you would not have escaped the forum posts and everything would be clear. For example:
Search does find it ;-)
Antwort von DjDino (Toth Dominik):
Crazy ways to cross the HC1 in photosensitivity little better, you look at the test images in the link seems quite unten.Dafür the HC3 (in HDV mode) have a slightly better resolution of detail to pay attention to the visual center closer to the horizontal lines on the Test chart:
HDV HC3 - Is processed in the HC1 is not as clean (lightly shaded / offset)
In addition, the HC3 has the disadvantage that the image quality in the pure DV mode clearly suffering, the HC1 has the problem, however not at all (corresponds to HDV to DV conversion mode):
HC1 DV /
DV-HC3 Otherwise I can not say much about the two, only the proof I sure :-)
If you can trust the Russians (?)
Antwort von ruessel:

I've got lying around every 3 HDV Sony's here, so look here:
and here:
you ask?
Antwort von enix:

Thanks Nightfly ruessel And, of course, I have worked through the linked sources you know ... (At this point, warmly praised s.dich Wolfgang!)
Dino also unknown to me a thank you for new pictures!
But just because the details are very large or have I wanted to here has been tested in this Threa rather a brief summary of someone of the camcorder. In short, what he thinks is better and why.
Thank you very much
Antwort von DjDino (Toth Dominik):
fantastischer Comparison - demnach hat sich die of mir verlinkte russische Page with ihrem Testchartvergleich bei HDV wohl vertan, die Detailwiedergabe der HC1 ist besser, aber ist ja nicht das erste Mal das ein Testchart nicht so aussagekräftig ist.Schade das es so aufwendige Tests nicht synonymous für par Einsteiger-Camcorders gibt, naja, wer macht sich schon für so "Kleinkram" ebenso Mühe...kann es verstehn ;(
Antwort von nailuj:

Thanks for the replies, have now ordered an HC1!