Frage von erri:
Hello, Weis anyone? Question: Have an old Minolta XE Lenses 1 with various means eg. SR Bayonet Lens. Now we want to but a Digital Photo Camera Buy and would like but these Lenses for the new camera will be able to use next. Have zb. a Olykmpus E420 in the eye, or maybe
something similar. Watch now Lenses for a Digital Camera?
Thanks in advance, Gruss EV
Antwort von C.I.W:

Language German Language serious. So of course you can buy you an adapter and then a MF Lens s.deine New dranmachen, but it makes little sense, since all the new cameras with AF work.
Antwort von Catalyst:
Hello, Weis anyone? Question: Have an old Minolta XE Lenses 1 with various means eg. SR Bayonet Lens. Now we want to but a Digital Photo Camera Buy and would like but these Lenses for the new camera will be able to use next. Have zb. Olympus E420 in one eye or maybe something similar. Watch now Lenses for a Digital Camera?
Thanks in advance, Gruss EV
Antwort von Catalyst:

Merci for your reply. Is it more believable if I imagine it in a photo shop can explain. Gruss
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

ERRI Hello!
For the future:
- Large font = scream = rude ... no joke!
- Wrong Forum
- To be quite trivial question, with little effort of Dr. Google would have answered them.
Otherwise s.meiner Dynax7 synonymous readily M42-Lenses using adapter. And of course, does not AF, but that's me, in this case, no preference.