Frage von olli69:
the Letus 24mm adapter synonymous fully emerge?
I had the impression that it becomes difficult s.35mm.
Antwort von -ssSonyY-:

Well, I understand the question is not quite so, but the 35mm adapter is so named because he is "a picture like a 35mm CAMERA! Do."
That has nothing to do with depth of field, etc. to do ...
Antwort von Axel:

The focus is on a Wide Angle Somewhat more difficult set. For a shot is all set to "infinity", and it is synonymous anything sharp. If a person on the other hand, in the middle of the 16:9 frame, next in front, it
seems an artificial Schärfeverlauf outwards to give the bildfüllende foreground motive "cuts" the oblong picture divided into two halves. The right and left of the screen, for example in a camera axis perpendicular to curb this form of camera with a hypothetical triangle whose legs in comparison to the hypotenuse (distance Camera> central motif) the longer, depending on the viewing angle is next. In other words, the boundary of the depth of field is a telephoto tend to a straight line, parallel to horizon. As a layer in Photoshop, which is so synonymous two-dimensional thinking. Wide Angledagegen one is more of a semicircle, which makes the camera around curves. A blur vignette is not to be avoided.
With a wide Anglebeobachtet So not one blurred background against which a razor-sharp moving subject, such as Tele the case. The blur as the course wanders through the picture. Particularly glaring is this, when the lens in a room or in the city is used, frames, through which many
straight horizontal and vertical lines running.
That bothers us in Shooting mainly because Wide Angletraditionell used were / are the depth to
increase. We even try our vision through hundreds of small eye movements from which our brain a panorama composed, expand, and we feel s.einer "Total" nothing blurred (as is currently the desk to the keyboard is).
That is the limitation that you can with a Letus Extreme did: you can Apertures smaller than 5.6 do not use, and these would be needed to set the depth to increase. The Letus Ultimate is supposed to work with each aperture, as the movement of the screen faster. This sounds in theory, really great. In practice, you realize that even with only 5.6 shots in direct sunlight or artificial light with a much-watt possible. Aperture 8 should like welders goggles effect, and aperture 11 would be nice for footage that is based on the solar surface plays.
I recommend about Wide Anglevor in this sense only: Total. For the "Skate" Wide Angleempfiehlt are more accustomed to the WW-intent, without the adapter, and do not worry, with the style of the break is complete nonsense. In every major film to be used dozens of different shooting modes, one for each task fit. They are cut together, and no man meckert.
So why überhaupt ein WW before a 35mm adapter? Because lower depth is not the only effect is positive. Set yourself a surging corn in the midday sun to backlight. Poker players who are under a ceiling lamp on their cards while lurking and smoke heavily, Lowkey, hard contrasts. This is problematic both for a normal chip. An adapter gives such settings almost without any effort * (* a travesty: Until such a recording is set correctly, you have about 20 times as much time is used as a snapshot filmmaker, even if the fact or ND filter is used. But: One sees synonymous the difference, a pure water must be through a deep rock) depth and brilliance. And there are also many occasions in which a Wide Angle advantage. Incidentally, this is the explanation that it is a matte wishes.
In low KB optics may be in extremely short focal lengths to vignetting in the form of blurred or darker sides. On the facts described above, then maybe a strong spherical distortion added. Whether the lens is crap, is through the
shot, infinite setting quickly found out. Should there be blurred, it's quality of s.der KB lens. A little help next zoom in, but of course you give away something of the order WW-Scope.
Extreme WW, which are also faint (everything ü
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Question time
How does the use of a WW lens and a 35 m adapter.
Say The Camera has a WW s.dieses the adapter - it actually first tmal which no preference Optics front turn comes?
More specifically asked
In my XL1S Lens using the standard or the WW? (To display the image of the 35 mm adapter abzufilmen)
Can someone me what to say?
B. DeKid
Antwort von Axel:
In my XL1S Lens using the standard or the WW? (To display the image of the 35 mm adapter abzufilmen) You have certainly a KB-negative or an old Diarähmchen somewhere rumfliegen. Glue it with Tesa s.die window and try to fill the picture with your cam incorporated. I guess with the standard lens you will be the case (synonymous zooming is allowed) s.nächsten come. The rest of the achromatic (Nahlinse better) from the adapter. That works, do not worry.
In all 35mm thread adapter - is with "Lens" is the KB-Lens, not that of the camcorder. By "zooming in" is that man with the
camera zooms into the screen. KB zoom to find adapters little use (too faint).