Frage von KlausZ:
following problem. Would like in a sequence about 5min one
analog show that something like a daily routine is to simulate, during this 5 minutes real time to the clock of the morning to evening 7 clock 22 clock move. And is not superimposed on the whole, but simply run faster, as in Time Lapse. Kriegt man sowas in After Effects (7) or that there are special tools for this?
Thanks to you - Klaus.
Antwort von weitwinkel:
or there are special tools for this?
I would do with a 3dprogramm ...
or take a few photos of your clock to
you set the pointer in psd free and animate them in ae ...
problem could be the glass surface ...
gruß cj
Antwort von Starter:

Hi Klaus,
look here:
There are lots of freeware to depict the various clocks.
Greetings and good luck ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:

A similar sequence I brauch synonymous soon.
My idea is now
1.Shoot with people
Tracker points s.der wall
Green cardboard box, slightly larger in radius than the clock, placed s.der the body clock.
2.Shoot without people
The Time Lapse procedures (aka Stop Motion) the re-location filming
Tracker points remain, Camera synonymous exact structure remains the same.
Now the clock vordrehen and record short sequences.
B. DeKid
Antwort von M-Kult:

hab mir mal mission, this analog clock in AE CS3 to tinker.
Remember, this is quite synonymous with 6.5 nor feasible.
Tonight I'll post the first partial results, if not I'm so ready to become.
Document s.Ende synonymous complete the animation to download offer.
Thus a clock is certainly useful.
The aim is to:
1. - All complete with AE CS3 create
2. - An animation slider to any pointer
3. - 3-4 different dials
4. - Final-Comp skallierbar should be free, without that it is the function / Animation impaired.
Time, see if I have a small s.Ende I do worry, but the times I leave open.
Antwort von Wiro:

AE is a smart way to ensure such a thing to do. Thanks to ever-sM cult that he was a model z.Vfg. represents.
Such a moderate effort as hollywood as it plans DeKid is certainly greatly exaggerated ;-)
If one with photo editors and NLE can handle is based on the Fast synonymous in that regard. One needs only the pointer saved as separate images and then rotate. I have fun times with Premiere Pro is a small "finger exercises" done - perhaps it can serve as an inspiration?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

When I have to stop synonymous stuff in the cupboard, etc. and move people in the picture ........ there remains nothing else than with several takes and trackers synonymous to work. And later, all layers together Schuster.
But your clock is ok.
With me is the clock halt accessories / backdrop and has no significance as a whole but it must halt its movement.
Also take forward with the recording I am not long with 2 half hours for about 5 hr, the Fast Forward Action, all in all, the whole for 27 sec are currently planned.
(Does clock appears in the background in several shots on ....)
Wenns to as 3D or 2D animation is the building of a clock is hardly difficult. Concerning the movement of the pointer is concerned.
Also Spieglungen in the glass can be so fast to create.
B. DeKid
Antwort von KlausZ:
AE is a smart way to ensure such a thing to do. Thanks to ever-sM cult that he was a model z.Vfg. represents.
Such a moderate effort as hollywood as it plans DeKid is certainly greatly exaggerated ;-)
If one with photo editors and NLE can handle is based on the Fast synonymous in that regard. One needs only the pointer saved as separate images and then rotate. I have fun times with Premiere Pro is a small "finger exercises" done - perhaps it can serve as an inspiration?
Antwort von Wiro:
... reveal a few details of how exactly you've done?
Hi Klaus,
the house was a small gimmick of me :-)
You can see the clock running course hinschieben and scaled arbitrarily.
My example is made with Premiere Pro. So what if you start it, then give me your mail address. Mglw you have it in the meantime so synonymous with After Effects already solved.
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von M-Kult:
Heo, I was unfortunately a bit busy the day, but have incidentally always next s.der gebastelt clock.
Die Uhr
Ich habe es mir irgendwie dann doch ziemlich aufwendig gemacht.
Dafür werfen die Zeiger synonymous Schatten and man kann sie mehr oder minder, was AE s.Perspekive halt zuläßt, im 3D Raum bewegen.
Um es ganz perfekt zu machen, müsste ich den Pfad der "Striche" noch genauer setzen, damit die Abstände überall gleich sind.
Die komplette Uhr habe ich in AE gemacht, wie ich es vor hatte.
Man kann sie beliebig einstellen and praktisch synonymous eine Minute in 60Sek darstellen, oder 12Std in 15Min.
Für den Rand, Mittelpunkt and die Fläche habe ich den "Circle" Effect verwendet. Dem Rand and Mittelpunkt habe ich zusätzlich einen Bevel and Glow verpasst.
Die Striche habe ich anhand einer Expression aneinander gereiht and auf einen Pfad gelegt. Die Zeiger haben alle den Ankerpunkt in der Mitte der Uhr and werden um die Z-Achse rotated.
Dann habe ich eine Camera and Licht gesetzt and die Zeiger ein wenig nach vorne gezogen, damit sie Schatten werfen. Mit einer Expression folgt der Stundenzeiger dem Minutenzeiger, sodaß man nurnoch den Minutenzeiger animieren muss.
Fertig. ;)
edit // ich habe nochmal eine billige Kamerafahrt hinzugefügt, um die 3D Fähigkeit zu zeigen. AE kann nur 2D Objekte erstellen, nur with Tricks schafft man ein leichtes 3D.
The clock with camera movement