Frage von UteD:Hello,
I have me the trial version of Adobe After Effects CS4 worried and wanted to play around some times NEN. I then made this tutorial or better probiert:
In the video at around 4:25 he says that we should be in position to be XY-click and then come there in the list below the right a row. when I click on it because nothing happened.
Links below, there is not synonymous to me then the button "Pick wip" with which you can connect between the Possiton the text of the particles and the ...
Do I need more plugins installed, or how else can I somehow connect?
I would be very grateful for your help!
Thank you in advance in advance!
lg Ute
Antwort von Jörg:
when clicking on the stop watch, the old button press, so you have a create expression.
Antwort von UteD:
Wow ... respekt ... within seconds of answering already ne! Thank you! I have since many years now rumgemacht (=