Frage von Syrtah:
I have the tiresome WINXP-Pro SP2 Firewire is-not-more-problem and since I use the SP1 files can be found nowhere, I thought s.folgende solution:
What is a Linux boot CD with a capture program has? Then you can start CD of Linux, the files "Capture" and then edit in Windows.
Be up to now has not found the Linux version ...
Best Regards, Toni
Antwort von ZappaF.:

Hast du's already tried with Knoppix? In this distribution there are so many programs, so that synonymous DV Capture could work.
Antwort von Naturbambus:

Ubuntu Studio!
Antwort von hannes:

since we grad on the matter ....
I have
Ubuntu Studio installed and the simplicity of'm thrilled.
It worked (almost) everything right away and what not, that was loaded.
The whole multimedia stuff works, audio / video playback, audio recording and editing
Bürokram and the whole Internet, Skype etc, etc.
Now it is bottled and given to me missing the basics.
45xxx who in the room is ready and will be able to help me to give?
(at "reasonable" price)
My goal is, ultimately, video editing under Linux.
I know, is a laaaaaanger way, but I have time and stamina (;-)))
Antwort von Syrtah:

A heartfelt thanks for the tips!
Although now have the convenient version preferred (because of time pressure) and elsewhere and edit the captured s.meinem Calculator now. But I will me as soon as possible growth Ubuntu Studio - it sounds fascinating ;-)
Liebe grüße, Toni