Infoseite // List profane film festivals

Frage von HansMaulwurf:

Good morning,

I have recently produced a value in complete religious freedom shaped documentation. The international distribution is already here and I was advised of buying one to send the film to be synonymous religious value-free film festivals.

Now it is quite easy to find a general list to festivals, but again I come across it at festivals synonymous with religious backgrounds. A helpful list of secular festivals would be guaranteed, but synonymous to secure a list of religious boundaries, eg, Christian shuffle mode.

Does anyone have experience with it or 'nen Tip?


Antwort von Axel:

Probably you are looking for an online calendar on the event are the times of festivals listed. For example, there is one such short films here (right column). In most cases, the names of links that lead to the websites of individual events. The Excel fan created yourself a list. The list, which offers free, organizer contains the links, and these are details of the dates, restrictions and prices listed.
The spirit of this festival will hopefully be pluralistic, but it should not be difficult to recognize a Christian festival including already.


Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

If one here is my attempt at irony have escaped ....? ;-)


Antwort von NEEL:

"Hans Mole" wrote: Good morning,

It would be helpful is a list of guaranteed secular film festivals
Does anyone have experience with it or 'nen Tip?

San Sebastian

As far as I am informed, take the only really good, secular films. For each burning of witches, superstitions, demons, demons-and anti-cult and so next, there are certainly synonymous slots at the Fantasy Festival. Just ask around times ...


Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

Dear Neel, the demonstrative opening a new thread should say that I would now like to limit myself to the point. As my good breeding a "Shut your stupid mouth" forbids, I ask you, ... nee. Shut your stupid mouth.


Antwort von NEEL:

"Hans Mole" wrote: Shut your stupid mouth.

No, as (un) Christian ... you little joker:)

But here is a message that is likely out for sure:


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