Frage von schnege77:
Video Hello Friends,
I would now like to turn a small film, wrote a script Schun paratt and my equipment include:
Panasonic NV-GS 400, External Micro Beyerdynamic MCE 72Cam, Magix Video Deluxe 2006/2007 Plus, lighting headlights from the construction.
My questions:
1) What settings should you make the camcorder, so that the best rausholt?
2) What sound settings when you should take?
3) Can anyone give some hints on what you need special care?
What bothers me s.Beyerdynamic Micro is that it absorbs everything around and synonymous super loud and clear, but if jeamand stands in front of me and talking, this sound is not so good mood! Is this s.einer attitude? The original sound of the 400 is not good, I must confess.
Antwort von Dongball:

Well, these are all questions to which we shall not answer you can give.
Because there are still more factors play a role.
What a film it is.
Indoor or outdoor shots.
Day, night, dusk.
and and Other ..
Antwort von steveb:

it might not be the desired response pattern match, but what would you do if you müsstet with Super8 film and all the technical issues would not matter .... you would then concentrate on the essentials?
Why not just make? And if there are still technical problems, you will find a solution synonymous.
Comparison: I want a book to write. The ideas I have, but
... what with the pressure?
.... I write it in Helvetica or Times Roman?
... Which printer should I use?
... I find synonymous a Tutor?
Publisher ... what should I write?
... should I make a paperback or hardcover something?
I would simply just start to write :-) (or film)
Antwort von _bruce:

1. Use necessarily a Tripod
2. Move the camera as little as possible (I know that this sometimes can be difficult)
(2.a.) If you move the camera, screw it on a Steadicam, or let them simply on the tripod so that the movement through the inertia of the whole tripod "rounded" is.
3. Always enough intervals (Caution: Do not overexposed film)
4. Make your film interesting as you not too long keep the same setting
5. (For editing) I find it pleasant when the colors somewhat "subdued" are. That you get simply by using the saturation verringerst. Increase the contrast even more. (Is it just a hint of me)
6. Jo, let time go ...
(These tips are based solely on my experience!)
Hope I could help.
Greetings, Bruce
Antwort von rush:

mce72 not know this themselves ..
but if you s.die nvgs400 a microphone anstöpselst, you should absolutely try the microphone level manual auszupegeln ... unfortunately it is only in the cam before pressing the record button ...
well, if possible, manual schärze / hide, because otherwise they are automatically synonymous times like pumps or schärfe perhaps while wandering where they are not to be.