Frage von allsa:
I am looking for a hardware or software to which I can control with 3-4 cameras, or rather of Live can change camera to camera. Optionally, I would still synonymous Show Powerpoint recordings and title. I know that there are very expensive systems to do so may) (television stations have, but surely it is better synonymous. Does anyone know of such equipment?
Greeting allsa
Antwort von Markus:
... but I am sure that it is synonymous favorable. Why You're sure? Do you know of such a system? ;-)
Okay, now time raw numbers: What do you understand under favorable? Where is your budget? You want to borrow or buy? If a production environment already exists, which must fit into the system?
I currently am also (again) s.recherchieren for such systems (s.besten to borrow), so far without any success.
Antwort von megalutzi:

So as the "cheapest" system, I only know the Anycast for ¬ 16,000
Alternative is the Video Mixer and the whole shebang.
Or do you lend something to you (for example) with me.
Antwort von Markus:

Or is it not s.end a video production / transmission, but a video monitoring? As would be something (in black) is likely to be
relatively inexpensive, except of the PowerPoint Advertisement once. ;-)
Okay, now views clear: issues for live productions are even in a busy forum like slashCAM usually rare and the above question is consistent in time and substance accidentally (!) With a recently received e-mail request. So I'm assuming that the above questioner and the sender of that e-mails the same person. The results of a search of my teammates and I should therefore be familiar to the questioner.
Short for the other user (if I lie with my assumption is correct): It is not just a question of some display a permanently standing titles. It goes together to create a logo with graphic elements, words and numbers. The latter change (not predictable and unpredictable all) couple of seconds and that should be able to afford the Titler. For standalone Titler we move accordingly far in the professional field, while PC solutions for integration into an existing video-picture director also must meet several requirements. - Both options are not exactly cheap.
An alternative includes an Amiga 1200, the Scala multimedia software 400 and one genlock. So that we can achieve the desired fade, but first would require all the parts on eBay to get hold. The quality of the insertion, however, were not the ones you're used to nowadays.