Frage von silkesilke:
I've looked for something in the forum but have not yet found the right solution. It is projected at a performance in an exhibition hall, the animated live s.einen Platz in Berlin s.eine exterior wall will be.
What are the options? I can with a normal DV camera recording, connect these s.einen Computer and transmit the data via proxy to another computer, so that they can project out of everywhere?
Or is it possible because of too much information only with webcam?
Or one would use a completely different equipment, television cameras with a passable picture quality get?
Thank you for your help!
Unsuspecting Regards,
Antwort von campool:

Hi Silke,
s.einfachsten would be to buy a cable (in the long distance Camera ---> Calculator), which transmits an image signal from the camera out (in the consumer class 3.5 mm jack or RCA / is used to z issue. as a Picture on the Television). This then leads into a USB grabber (like this one: Audio - Video Grabber USB / dp/B0013BXFLG/ref = sr_1_2? Ie = UTF8 & s = ce-de & qid = 1266420501 & sr = 8-2), which should fully for these purposes and quite sufficient. Project is only about the ifs, then go from the camera input directly into the projection device in, for example, with Composite - RCA or component. If you think an IPTV transmission, then get thee nen server and stream the whole then (in Flash format with the size of 320 x 240 pixels) on the net. Then, it may be able to receive any computer with Internet access. But please writable again exactly what you want to do.
Love Greetings
Antwort von silkesilke:

Hi Tim,
Thank you ever taken your answer!
As this performance s.einen location that is not in the vicinity of the exhibition space is to be transferred, I think we would have already transferred over the Internet. For cable, the distance is definitely too high, unfortunately ...
The artist was projecting only live performance s.weitere in the showroom walls, but has now thinking that the rooms are too small and he would rather have s.einem public and busy place.
To the server: there is the possibility that rent something for a day? Or you could run its own domain (for example, via the homepage of the Art Association, which will take place throughout)? I hope things did not sound totally amateurish, which relates to the shooting s.sich I'm fit, but with the issue of streaming I've never dealt ..
I hope you understand what I mean to some, best greetings and thanks!
Antwort von campool:

So there ;-) IPTV. Our company, for example, is working with powerful servers at a large German hosting provider. If it is indeed big screens, on the whole should be transferred, the transfer size at least PAL should therefore be 720 x 576 pixels - and this one needs to have a very good connection to the grid. Furthermore, the question arises of picture format of the presentation device (4:3, 16:9 or even 21:9 (as) in the movies?). Ifs will then be a bit high, then s.besten two to three manned cameras to take (make in any case a better impression, just hangs at a public presentation) and the s.nen endemic. Then you should synonymous, but instead of the USB grabber using a firewire converter. All of this purchase, but once is too expensive and difficult for a single event. Ask the Artist's see if he would take for external services (like our firm) to complete. We do this quite often and professionally, so write to me if their interest hättet: campool ät web dot de
Love Greetings