Frage von Digital8:
after years of abstinence, I just animate my video hobby again. I started 1992 with 14 years ago, when I of my confirmation money I bought my first Video8 Camera.
Right now I am going through a Digital8 Camera partial 16 years old tapes to digitize.
Soon I am to recording a live concert of acoustic blues tape. Now I have been thinking of recording did not take advantage of the built-in micro camera, but used to hire an audio recording from the mixer as the source and to add those behind the video.
As my experience in digital video editing is currently in a simple interface and limited titling in iMovie 09 ich would like to know what conditions must be fulfilled.
When equipment is not for me only a SonyDigital8 Camera DCR-TRV 340 and an iMac with iMovie 09 available. Is hereby achieved with relatively little effort at all, or is it ye counsel me about this but would rather use the built-in Micro?
Antwort von TobiasD:

So there just two possibilities come to mind
2) Synchronous door. Once a strike, and either the sound s.das Picture (Create door closed) or create the two peaks of Camera and external sound.
Create add 3) And just try to sound tracks with a strong "signal", such as applause
Antwort von carstenkurz:

Micro camcorder AND external sound to record. Ext preferably a digital recording medium - and if it is a laptop with an external audio interface - but even the line-in of a computer, powered mixer with level, will be significantly better than the Camcorderton.
It is likely that the sound drift apart over the course of the concert something because your camcorder and recording device are not synchronized. But this is not so bad because you have plenty of scenes at a concert with a clear synchronizable features. You then need nachynchronisieren maybe a couple of times during the recording, but that is not much effort.
A 'Synchronized Flap' Thou shalt in any case, hardly need that kind of music - unless your video shows only the groupies backstage.
The sound from the camcorder, you can run along as a reference can be to elucidate ambiguities in the synchronization, Grobschnitt, as Synchronous help Publikumston (applause, etc), Notnagel, etc.
On average, which is behind a big problem. The main thing you have the material erstmal.
- Carsten
Antwort von derpianoman:

Hi "Digital 8" :-)
I'm synonymous so'ne SonyTRV small-740E and do it constantly in my own demo videos. It's easy!
If you lay one above the audio tracks grossly You will, if a likely synonymous throughout "fat" is, than the other) BUT recognize the parallels. And then you take you (as said above, that is the end piece / applause), a significant point and "zoom" because you always smaller one, frame-level bit you have all drawn parallel.
Of course, it is recommended that the camera, synonymous if you're running in between of A to B and films warmed the ground!
Large time differences, I do not really experience. However, it is
probably always 1 piece, so of applause-applause-piece announcement event. Cancellation finish it, and afterwards only the best pieces event. synonymous to capture a different order on DVD = contracted.
And: If the sound mixer ausm as the singing and the vocal reverb
have over loud, so you can mix the two sound sources synonymous, so that
it "right" sound.
Enjoy + good luck!
With the extra Sound ", the" Janze "VIIIEEL better!
Antwort von mdb:
And: If the sound mixer ausm as the singing and the vocal reverb
have over loud, so you can mix the two sound sources synonymous, so that
it "right" sound. In my experience, the pure Mischpultton is too sterile to be (specifically) for a video. Since it is highly recommended, something dazuzumischen atmosphere (it looks silly if the singer is shouting at the audience and the raging crowd barely) hear