Frage von hannibalekta:Hi folks,
I quickly turn my second short film. There is a central dialogue of 2 people in one room. Both players move through space and change the level (, sat) down. All this would be filmed with a handheld camera. Now I need to make alive, of course, many different settings: Establishing and medium shots of both sides, close-ups of faces, close-ups of specific actions / props (and the two look at photos). Then I want to put a point-of-view recording settings, etc. What I want, I'm fairly accurately recorded in the Shotlist. My question now: how do I turn the s.besten without some connection errors have? Assuming (a setting, with a focal) and films the whole dialog, then the next setting (; with other focal) and makes the whole of the front? Or should I - if I know that I would cut s.der place anyway - and stop making such a detail for a medium recording? Thus, the risk would be lower, making connection mistakes ... However, it will break out fairly sure the actors ...
About tips, I'd be very happy.
Antwort von carstenkurz:
Can we say bad, if not the actual planning to go. There is probably a tendency in two ways:
You plan the whole thing and shoot accurately before setting for setting exactly as planned. In many Einstellungswechseln this is the safest option in terms of achieving the daily target. However - if you have planned bullshit and the later rausstellt ...
With this procedure before you can even create a dummy project on the notebook and reinkopieren promptly breaks into the scene to examine and (;) or without A / B take Choice. The dummy can already be synonymous with Skribbels or Stillimage-filled photos from the respective perspectives.
The other variant is flat, (the complete dialogue, or through with meaningful structured subunits) s.Stück and turn the whole several times. To a certain extent, like the actors, because they can grind your way to try anyway, and different variants and the interaction is preserved.
It has both advantages and disadvantages. The first variant makes it just a more structured and more focused process of dialogue. But actually requires a bit of experience and imagination to plan - the vote was synonymous with the concrete space, lighting, accessories, etc terms.
I would always sowas for the described project to create a dummy and watch with notebook that I am as fit and editing program that I can have breaks in reinkopieren quickly preview material. This can be with today's programs actually make more zeitökonomisch - if you have mastered it. If, of course, later turning to the more time spent in front of the calculator as behind the camera ...
- Carsten
Antwort von hannibalekta:
Hi, I get cut so the spot is neither technically nor zeitmäßg to the series;)
I'm really a bit desperate because I can not decide. One could, of course, the scene in small Unterszenen synonymous sequence and which rotate in peace .. hmmm
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Any setting to Max 10 minutes as often as necessary to turn
Rotate main view full dialogue can be repeated and 2x
A lot of the whole sample must be liquid and after a while
Have no fear and just make his list always handy to know by heart, or in front of the mind's eye
Home Sotier divide - - grossly Sotier - then retained by means of the scenes put together.
That said Carsten about ;-)
Without multiple cameras sollche things are much bastelei - and even with multiple cameras still enough geschnibel ;-)
B. DeKid
PS: Take the same sound synonymous yet separately, sometimes on the whole takes over - Sound synonymous one can never have enough.