Frage von VanSan:
'm quite new here and since it belongs to at least briefly introduce the same when you have ne question! ;) Hot Ben and am a photographer. For a new idea I am looking for a camcorder and I hope that you sent me a little bit can help.
I do event for companies and nightclubs, etc. prof. Party pictures (not to be compared with students the s.Weekend bissl "herumknippsen." I have a Canon EOS 1d and partly working with up to 2 assistants s.Wochenende at parties. In addition, I would like to offer my customers synonymous small videos at events and discos to turn what synonymous with some good met.
Camera s.die requirements should be:
- Good noise behavior at reduced light (as in discos is mostly rather dark)
- I know that for a small price fairly good small camcorder there, but it should have a little look professional camera so it should be a shoulder mounted camcorder and not be too small!
- If possible use synonymous 2 Lenses (Zoom and WW) so there should be a camera with interchangeable lens feature.
-Because the videos are short (up to 5 minutes) and the video is only as a stream will be put online in a relatively small resolution, would be an analog camera perfectly conceivable.
Priced, I would like to start with no more than to spend 500-700 ¬! I realize that I may later contribute to a better draw at the moment but should be enough!
I thought s.einen mix of SonyV600 and Canon XL-1! Is there what with my price?
Am really looking forward to the help of you, because I am unfortunately in the camcorder area null familiar! (
Antwort von VanSan:

Sorry hab noch was vergessen!
The cam should be a synonymous ect. Connection for a mic and have possibly synonymous for Headphone! Moreover, a Mittenkontakanschluss (or how do you call when the camcorder?) Available to ext. Light source attached to you!
Antwort von Alex12345:

62 Views and None can help? (
Antwort von Markus:

Well, that while some people read your concern, but nobody has written anything about this, could in principle have three causes:
1. You had your question in the wrong section posted - now postponed for "camcorder-purchase advice."
2. The search word "disco" you would have made many contributions to this very topic and supplied most users have no great desire to always wiederzukäuen.
3. Your ideas (large shoulder camera, optics Exchangable) does not match your asking price. The XL1 is not a shoulder camera, but only does so. If you are trying times, with such a top-heavy part of filming, you do not get more without Tripod Outdent. Whether in the disco as practicable?
Lowlight favorite would be the SonyVX2100 or their professional counterpart PD170. Both are synonymous not nearly used up. 700 ¬ to have and have not synonymous change lenses (if you really need?). These are recordings with additional light (head light on the camcorder) in the disco is always significantly better than without any (neutral) whitening. The light of the camcorder itself is still no guarantee of good shots.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Well ... then first Hello VanSan
You are therefore in search of a Camera ..... and professional photographer, you're still synonymous ...... then with an EOS 1D ..... Well then photographed.
So for about 500 euros will get the WW s.die Canon fits .....
The XL1 is rather only "big", but that's been synonymous.
So there you have to have minimum ne XL2 take. I will indeed become silly when I angekuckt stories with my XL1S appear here. (which is HD but with your sister, then the middle of the year should change - in relation to the doof ankucken camera, I will be out next probably synonymous for some silly comments ankucken ;-))
So why Fakt None writes is probably more likely that you, as a "professional" photographer you do not have students say, to know it for 700 euros maybe a head lamp and a used mic there ...... and vorallem the EOS 1D probably time for a little Eos 400D or 450D does more arrive!
'll Still find the quotes about loud "Not the camera makes the picture, but the cameraman" the aptly formulated this condition.
The best I found but the comment "good noise behavior" that should probably related to Disco always rejected. ;-)
Conclusion = What you're looking for is probably in the standard version at 7000 euro (I guess you just forgot a 0)
The WW will cost you about another 2000 Euro.
The forever be regarded as "professional" photographer ... hmm let times about how long this one needs to specify Page .... ca 2-3 month salaries, in consideration of fixed costs, taxes and etc. The 700 is probably 2 hrs . aka 2 day rates. And probably more synonymous with semi pros. ;-)
Alla then start times s.zu Save ....;-)
Wünsch what video and welcome to the forum Mr Still Image colleague ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von islaender:

harsh words :-)
Antwort von PowerMac:

Forget it. For two reasons:
1) You want to also offer videography photography synonymous? It costs roughly about ten to fifty times as much. An ordinary photographic equipment is from 2000 to 5000 euros. An ordinary video equipment from 20,000 to 100,000 euros. You can of course synonymous one scheiss deliver quality and with a small camera rumfilmen. But that's more than a disco impractical. The quality will be shit. Just shit. An analog camera? It looks like "One Night in Paris". It must be stressed. The videos are much, much worse than the photos look like! As your customer, I would not accept. So you will know whether you have a wish to deliver good quality or bad. And you will realize how much money you invest and want it. The relationship is not true.
2) Can you at all what you want? Film and photography have little in common. From the impromptu make films? My knees shiver!
Antwort von robbie:

if you really want to do, then you are sadly no better than the students who s.wocheende so fun to rumknipsen.
then you're the one who is s.woche so fun to just a few tapes magnetized.
the parallel? the result is considered qualitatively the same idiocy.
Antwort von Markus:

Whether the issue after almost half a year ago is still relevant? - A shame in any case, that no feedback was more of what it ultimately was.
From here another user over the discussion and gave her a completely new direction: