Frage von flexi:
voted with my Kodack EasySkare DX6490 digital camera, a video recorded. QuickTime Player 6.5.2 lets me only hear the tone. The video remains black. View or I can play the video with Nero Showtime. But how can I convert the file? Programs MP4Cam2AVI_v2.22 exported as synonymous with a black image tone. Nero Recode CE fails completely.
Gruß Jürgen
Antwort von Axel:

See posting in foreign languages: My Response to "VOB renamed. These files are all small braid Picture and sound together. It irritates me that I am here as extraterrestrials as the only answer. Maybe you should use the search ...
Antwort von Rattenmuh:

Hi Axel,
perhaps helps
Antwort von Tucano:

I have tried it with Windows Media Encoder Microsoft of managed
Good luck
Antwort von flexi:

Hello and thanks for the replies. Did it somehow with WinAVI Video Converter shop.