Frage von Pianist:
Good day s.alle neck and reading!
I was asked to continue a project whose original implementer has proven to be unreliable. The material (, probably of Digibeta) was captured on a Mac, but I do not know if with Final Cut or Premiere. Then they were altered to make MOV files that I have obtained on hard drive. Now I wanted to import them into my Avid, the synonymous works without error, but I see only white images. This means that the codec is missing. Now, I have installed all the standard Quicktime codecs. Unfortunately, no one can tell me, which codec would be the right one, because there is no contact with the original implementer.
Has anyone of you an idea?
Antwort von RickyMartini:

Install times the tool "Media Info". That should give you information about the codec. Let's play the clips at all s.PC clean?
Antwort von Pianist:
Install times the tool "Media Info". That should give you information about the codec. Have I made - it has "HDV3. Then with Digibeta can not vote well, but will be HDV. Why, then, the import does not works? HDV s.sich ought to be no problem, synonymous if I had to do what has never been to ... Or?
Antwort von Alan Smithee:

This seems to be the AppleIntermediate codec.
A solution is in this thread: HDV - HDV3 codec import - - Premiere CS4 - PC - 327681st html
Antwort von Pianist:

I have not found a solution in this thread, but only the testimony of Patrick that it's impossible, but that when you export a different codec (; ProRes422) should have been used because I can import them into my Avid codec, right? At least I have this codec installed before, then it should walk. This means I'm once again relying on the implementer of origin, right?
Antwort von Alan Smithee:

If I understand correctly, you can (with VLC re-package it into a MPEG-TS, the link that Patrick has posted: # p173576). Whether Avid so it can start something, but I do not know. At least it seems to be able to Vegas.