Frage von scmick:
Since some time I would like Mp3 Music in my projects to import Liquid 7, but it
it's just not always come:
Media Import
File can not be imported.
The format or compression are not supported.
01 Performer ...- Title ... . MP3 Previously, it went without any problems.
Have Liquid 7 newly installed, but without success.
Thank you in advance for any help. [/ B]
Antwort von Markus:

mp3 makes video editing programs in many problems, even if a software officially supports this format. As such, it is not sooo dramatic, if not more.
Convert the files to WAV (48 kHz, 16 bit, stereo), then there should be no problems. Future rib of the Music CD directly as a WAV, then you save the decompression.
If you insist, mp3 to use, then check it out, whether the existing files can be imported. If it works, are perhaps the interval settings in the ripping of music CDs has been altered?
Antwort von Axel:

mp3 is not suited to a demanding way to be. This applies to all compressed formats, including synonymous for use in HDV mp2 (as opposed to PCM sound in DV). In my opinion, it speaks only for the quality of the program, if such material is either denied or when importing - like HDV - when capturing
on the fly to PCM / Wav / Aiff converts. Liquid should default to work with 48 kHz, it would be even better, Sound of CDs (44.1 kHz) before converting, although the program does not meckert.
Antwort von dietercut:

Thank you very Erzlich, but until recently it's gone, why
not now?
Agrees with what is not covered with liquid setting.
Antwort von Markus:

Do you have something with WAV tried?
Antwort von dietercut:

Hi Markus.
With WAV goes smoothly.
But I have my Mp3 unwandeln.
Regards Mick.