Frage von mausi3542:
I have an MPEG 4 file with the size of 679th how do I burn it with nero 7
Antwort von Markus:

Hello "Mousie" ;-)
put a CD or DVD disc into your CD-/DVD-Burners, start Nero, select the file from the disk and burn. - I assume you mean with the size 679 MB?
Or is there some special feature of the you had written anything?
Antwort von wrunge:

I need to do or how about burning rom then got on the burning rom and then I tried the pulled over and he showed me the file is s.das file at 975 mb has only 713steht under the title, but if I mouse on it I think he says 697mb.hoffe you understand me
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Hello mausi3542!
I would take a chance on the blank
CD and try out if YOU want to archive the file only.
However, the result is nothing that you can play on any DVD player!
Then YOU'd have to create a Video DVD with Nero. In your MPEG4 is then converted to DVD compatible MPEG2, so that it works on any DVD player with playing. Possibly. Do you even need two DVDs (probably not) but.
Antwort von Gatchan11:

I have also n'paar files, which are labeled with mp4.
Now I want to burn to DVD or CD. Unfortunately I only have Nero 6 Is that enough? How can I add to that the files later of one perfectly ordinary DVD player or DVD-standard client (eg WinDVD) can be played?
Grussa: Gatchan11 ^ _ ^