I am currently s.verzweifeln I 2 videos via firewire and Magix've played on my computer, and now they want to merge to edit it afterwards.
However, if I intended to draw the MVD file into the existing project, always comes the message "to the current project to remain open or closed?" I click on "Close does not" open anyway as a separate project involved the file, and the films are not to edit together.
What am I doing wrong? I thought I was just totally finished, that I am staying soeine trifle .. ^ ^
Antwort von memphis:
None has an idea?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
"memphis" wrote:
... if I intended to draw the MVD file into the existing project, always comes the message "to the current project to remain open or be closed ?"...
I have no experience with Magix, but. "Mvd" sounds more like a program-project file as a movie. In what format are available for your videos?
Antwort von amlug:
The. Mvd are the project files of Magix. There, the program saves almost like you've cut your film, what with videos, music, effects, etc. - the videos themselves are not integrated into this mvd file, the program only stores where they reside on your hard drive and how you They have worked, until the film then you exportierst.
If you dub video stores Magix (the files, unless otherwise terminated) in the program's default folder, look for times in "File" -> "Program Settings". After recording the videos are ever the same in a separate project (; okay, Magix says "Movie") imports, with the enstsprechenden mdv project files. This seems to have saved you.
So either you create a new "movie" and then import your photos from the appropriate folder, or - simpler - you open your two project files, highlighting and copying all in one (; s.strg + ctrl + c) and paste it into rear of the other one (; ctrl + v).
mfg Amlug
Oh yes, and you can not import project files into another project - just as you were trying to be, it is only open two projects in parallel, if you is not close "(; clicking the previously open project). You can switch between your open project files in which you select the desired timeline between the left and taking Thumbnail (); name of the currently open with a black triangle next to it.