Frage von Babaluba:
I have a serious problem and looking for advice
I was on a turntable with the HVX200 and voted on DVCProHD to 8 GB memory cards are recorded, as far as anything great.
Now I looked at the files via FinalCut to an external hard drive pulled (So MOV). This hard drive is (how in retrospect noted) formatted FAT32, can not save files over 4GB.
So I have the files on the disk considered here any error messages. Now, yes, the MXF files on the P2 cards up to 4GB in size synonymous as synonymous the P2 cards are formatted FAT32, it only makes the second 4 GB file, but recognizes as one of the FC (no idea how exactly).
My problem:
I can see the files of the external disk not open / import. NOT. Somehow there is a connection between the contiguous files no longer work. I can not tell how and why, but need these files. What can I do now? Has someone an idea, there is a repair tool that I least parts can rausholen again ...
I already have a virtual P2 card mounted again and tried to capture. NOTHING goes ...
Please, I'm with my Latin s.Ende really.
Lg Ba
Antwort von PowerMac:

Please exactly:
What have you done exactly? How did you started, what came next? How have you imported? How do you copy?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

If files were deleted GetDataBack will help in the case as a FAT32 version
Un Final Cut Pro if the shared files as a File (contiguous video detected) will be probably a kind of index file is stored with ;-)
Note GetDataBack can recover synonymous of memory ;-)
Antwort von PowerMac:

It is not about deleted data ...