Frage von jjanarnava:
Hello community!
It seems to be a big deal getting support for Panasonic P2 MXF files (; clip wrapped) on Linux.
I do have a bug report, but not do see a solution there, because somebody mentioned "Panasonic P2 MXF is not standard, however it is" Industry Standard ". Using mxfsplit I found a workaround, however it would be niche to work directly with the delivered format.
As I could not find a good working Linux solution I want to set up a project for a proprietary LINUX import tool what can maintain s.well the meta-data of the files and provides a database interface. (; Like the original Panasonic tool for Windows)
Anybody out there who want to participate?
B ert
Antwort von deti:

With mxfsplit ffmpeg and you should be able to rewrap video and audio files into a single container more common by just one shell script. The next challenge could be decoding AVC-I footage is not supported by any Linux codec available. I tried ldecod.exe from the H.264 reference tools by HHI but did not manage to reencode the Resulting YUV 4:2:2 format of 10bit data. Did you?