Frage von Muecke2:
Hello, who can help me? I have a Blaupunkt 894 CC with S-Video cable and on the individual synonymous with plug my PC. For the recording, I have instead com to S-VHS to DVD quality and as elected.
Studio runs seemingly without problems. But after you quit, the message "... capture device sends only 16.9 fr / sec .. the rest was filled ..." (which can not be, because the camera always sends 25 Fri / sec)
Indeed, the DVD is jerky and holds each miserably sec briefly.
A tip would be nice!
Thanks Jochen
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Jochen,
for your projects seem to lack an adequate link between the analog video and the (digital) PC. What could that be, you will find here:
Five ways to Video8/Hi8 to Digitizer