Frage von Yogi48:
I am the newest user and greet everyone.
I use osSoftware and so far I had no problems.
Now, the import of my DV camcorder does not work correctly.
And this is suddenly the sound is distorted, like a record player that has to
Slowly läüft.
When I import example of a burned DVD, sound works.
2 days ago I installed the software DivXPro on my computer and converted an mpg file. Has the program may be adjusted somewhat s.der sound card?
My computer is older (, 1GB RAM), but so far everything has worked well.
I must add that although I have already made a few films, but am by far no expert.
Maybe someone can help me?
Regards, Juergen
Antwort von A380:

Moin moin from Bremen,
And this is suddenly the sound is distorted, like a record player that has to
Slowly läüft. Your description is more than poor. What does that mean "and suddenly"
Since yesterday ... a few days or during a movie.
In the latter, I would suspect that you have in between with your camcorder once changed the audio sampling rate.
VDL watching this rate s.Anfang the film ONCE s.and it maintains throughout the dubbing. Then, when "cruising" will change the rate, there are no such effects.
William ... The A380
Antwort von Alf_300:

New software installed and another program is no longer running as it should this is nothing new.
Possibly. bringts what if you VDL new (or install over it) and you for the future produce a backup system in such cases, easily superior to the old state.