Frage von badozza:
Can someone tell me how can I import an imported film or divide a movie into the individual frames (for example, 1 second per frame)?
Thanks Badozza
Antwort von Binebine:

yes, the problem I'm synonymous ... can anyone answer the question? * * threadpush
Antwort von Markus:

Question: Is that all? (RTFM)
Antwort von badozza:

So once I have it hinbekommen by chance ...
No idea how ...
Antwort von id073897:
So once I have it hinbekommen by chance ...
No idea how ... Set mark and press "T"?
Or automated? I do not know.
Antwort von badozza:

I had my car ne
Antwort von flopitz:

Export the whole thing but as a single (ALT-V) and then reimport the frames.