Frage von suzieQ:
Question s.einen practitioners:
"Has anybody osSoftware And this is how they act and from ease of use or recommend to her?"
Antwort von Lawrence:

what do you want to do everything?
So the pure DV editing (arrangement of the scenes as you want to trim, and the scenes is) Video de Luxe recommended because it presents good results quickly.
Antwort von merlinuwe:

got the software yesterday. I'm really pleased. One must not settle anything in the handling, since this is somewhat complicated.
So if you only standard functions with ease of handling would like to have a huge, I can recommend Pinnacle Studio9.
Antwort von HFK-Team:

Quick question: How good is the Cromakey (blue-greenbox) with Magix? or Pinnacle (or a comparable program suited her price) for something better?
mfg Chris
Antwort von Fotofox:

hi chris,
Capturing of HDTV camcorders (eg HDR-FX1) is not possible!
Greeting Fotofox
Antwort von HFK-Team:
hi chris,
Capturing of HDTV camcorders (eg HDR-FX1) is not possible!
Greeting Fotofox Hm, I thought how good you really rausschneiden a solid background of a scene in Magix (can cromakeying). I know that you can, but I would like to know how well or whether there are better Progs in the same price class.
Antwort von skaghk:

I tried the Chroma keying with the White, Black and Blue Box.
So to know is to say: Forget it! You must turn up the exposure on your camera and the white background of the dramatic lighting. Then it works reasonably ...;-(((
Blue Box: The little blue detects. Because you need a studio where a certain shade of blue with light meters shall be evenly illuminated.
Blackbox: Actually quite good, only a few synonymous in the room (my hair is black) and then the film walks in there with.
Green, I have tried net ...