Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Magix Video Pro X 1.5 Update of rudi - 14 May 2009 15:59:00 Magix announced today an updated version of its video editing program Pro X, which is itself primarily s.professionelle user is directed. In addition to improved multiprocessor support and new controls for audio effects should mainly the secondary color correction interesting. The highlighted Lite AVCHD support could also "professionals" look, for your video camera, want to spend less than that specified for the editing program.
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Antwort von Melve:

Although I have newer hardware, jerky preview sporadic. And with AVI equipment. Can anyone? The patch for 1.5 has not changed synonymous.
Antwort von Spreeni:

What does it mean that "AVI material. AVI can be anything, a recording of DV camera or a MPEG4 clip from the net (; DivX). Especially the latter is more demanding when it comes to editing it. So, what "material" cut you?
Antwort von joerg-emil:

Hello Melve,
synonymous, it would be helpful to know what hardware you use. Prox video I've even installed on my Netbook and in DV-AVI because nothing jerky (no effects if I apply).
Antwort von Melve:

there are four video tracks, recorded of MiniDV cameras with 720x576. My PC: Intel Core 2 E8400, 4GB RAM, ATI HD4650, XP Home 32nd The proposals of the hotline, for example, the power would be broken, because the disk is not fast enough for the data can provide. A new Netzteill and another complete reinstallation has brought nothing.
Antwort von camworks:

haha that was good. The power supply is broken, because the disk with the data delivery is failing to .... I hope you have the disk synonymous horizontally, so that the bits by the gravitation of the disk does not slip?
. / ironic mode off
times as it would with a new, fast disk?
Antwort von consulting:
What is so irritating, is not so much the performance of the program (and the MAGIX Programs), but the
variability within which errors times disappear, then reappear, already forgotten about the new error will ever mistake versions over a secure life deadlines may be, and then the
gap between ambitions and reality, between the programming highlights of performance and then the desert of Patzer apparently
not entirely sufficient mastery of trivial Windows rules - particularly in the memory.
Antwort von CommiXV:
What is so irritating, is not so much the performance of the program (and the MAGIX Programs), but the variability within which errors times disappear, then reappear, already forgotten about the new error will ever mistake versions over a secure life deadlines may be, and then the gap between ambitions and reality, between the programming highlights of performance and then the desert of Patzer apparently not entirely sufficient mastery of trivial Windows rules - particularly in the memory. Unkronkrete a program you can not talk badly.
Pro X, I find great, does what I am and where I want it to - by the time a response similar to plate to keep opposite ;-)
Antwort von consulting:

Since I'm surprised but very.
Here, no one has a specific program poorly done.
It is about the essence of many years of experience with MAGIX.
Video Pro X 1.5 has vastly increased and is now only about that which is the beginning of s.hätte be announced around the time to meet. Has now paying customers as beta-panel may prove to MAGIX for the banana ripening support.
That is a fact and in MAGIX itself
umfangreich dokumentiert.
Was Video Pro X jetzt leistet, ist enorm. Hat man with AVCHD / HDV nichts im Sinn, braucht man es aber nicht, falls man Video deluxe 2008 schon hat. Immerhin ist es dann ein elegant and sauber arbeitendes Programm. Doch wenn man with AVCHD bestraft ist, hilft synonymous das jetzige Video Pro X 1.5 nicht zur Begnadigung.
Und die Hoffnung, VPX könnte alsbald synonymous FLV laden and editieren, kann man anscheinend synonymous wieder begraben. (FLV ist aber
editable, why not with VDL / VPX?.) With the test from seven different videos of the popular Pocket camcorders have become (the more and more synonymous with high-resolution MP4 work) has Pro X 1.5 Video here synonymous failed. Since the problem is already in the lunatic preview, which shows the times and then again not. As would be even more, much more, but so should other issues ( "Users helping users").
The fabric never goes out ... - Games for children, it is then well.
Professionals think otherwise.
Antwort von camworks:

professionals working in more synonymous not with a number magix programs because the are simply too unstable. and of support can not be talking about. two arguments, the program for money-exclusive.
Antwort von Melve:

after applying the latest patches it runs better now. The hotline is a great deal of effort, I always get s.folgenden days response. I work with VDL years already and had no problems until now. The Pro X - version offers a lot of burden and not so much the budget.
Antwort von consulting:

Do you know anything, because what you write?
after applying the latest patches it runs better now. The hotline is a great deal of effort, I always get s.folgenden days response. ... Always?
Do you practice that? - If yes: Why?
"Effort" we have always written testimonies, if someone has "tried", but not abolished, so was unable.
... I work with VDL years already and had no problems until now. .... But "forever" for the support on the mat?
Without having problems?
... The Pro X - version offers a lot of burden and not so much the budget. "very much", but it really synonymous Necessary?
"not so much" - in relation to what?
Currently I have (unfortunately) deal with AVCHD and use a program that is Video Pro X (comparatively left in the video) does not behave as it right in the video is to be seen.
Since coming true joy. You have to see everything relatively, relatively synonymous with what is beyond the plate edge can discover.
Why MAGIX offers its customers no CUDA support?
Antwort von CommiXV:

Video Pro X 1.5 has vastly increased and is now only about that which is the beginning of s.hätte be announced around the time to meet. Has now paying customers as beta-panel may prove to MAGIX for the banana ripening support. But this is not practical with any software so? No company under the sun can be a test program so that it is prepared for all possibilities, what is such a large customer base will be compared.
What support is concerned, I can only say that the 2x times where I had to register (serial), I quickly got an answer, but ultimately it is quite clear that for a 300Software you do not have the same support as for a ¬ 1000 Software get.
As far as the HDV editing is concerned, I must admit that I have not yet soo deeply involved was / am, that I now can compare big regarding with or without Pro X, from the belly out, I would say that it with Pro X runs better, but wiegesagt is just a gut feeling.
(Yes I dream still an Apple and FC afterwards, once I have the debug may, perhaps that was cool: D)
And yes, with the FLV thing I hang Magix synonymous been a while in the ears, not synonymous, I understand why, in principle, but this little delicacy not easily add, if it so often has been called ...
Antwort von Melve:

I want to apologize for the remark of consulting grateful. I always get added. To supplement:
The hotline gives good tips. It might s.meiner hardware are synonymous.
When VDL from 2004 to 2008, I have the support needed only once.
For my volunteer work, only Pro X in question solely because of the price. It offers up to now everything I need. There are no synonymous crashes. The CUDA could support me very much synonymous.
Antwort von consulting:

To "CUDA" I have just a little zusammengebastelt:
(; click). Probably one can freely access it.
Rather, in the form of desire:
HERE. Gruß,
Antwort von CommiXV:

tell me, is the difference with CUDA really that high? So after the presentation would be the nearly 5-fold speed, so really a lot!
Antwort von consulting:

Only a difference?
No, this is a totally different world! I have here not only CUDA, but synonymous special hardware is available (which NOTHING to do with CUDA, so that there are no errors). The hardware is the engine of track on a Toshiba
Leadtek transcoder card PxVC1100 (see documentation commenced in the future webboard
This hardware is of COREL DVD Movie Maker using a special software module addressed. For comparison, I once had an MPEG2 file with the track engine to a high-resolution AVCHD - Video transcodiert. Then the same file with CUDA and LoiLoScope to a AVCHD soger even with slightly higher resolution.
CUDA was (at no extra cost as a driver for a part-9500GT graphics card) to ~ 4 per cent faster. The Leadtek card costs on the other hand, for example,