Frage von sunlite:
I would be in the program like Magix Video ProX 1.5 of importing an image sequence consisting of about 50 pictures. The programs FinalCut, Premiere or Avid video sequences is an import of any problems. Then you simply import a box hooks s.wie "Sequence" and then it is enough if one selects the first file of the sequence and the entire sequence is then imported.
However, I find no opportunity in this ProX 1.5 to import a video sequence. How do you do that?
Weiss anyone know?
Antwort von pilskopf:

Can you not the folder with the pictures, just drag into the timeline and I understand your Prob wrong?
Antwort von joerg-emil:

....'m going to program settings and search because the time setting will be imported into the images, the default setting here is 7 sec. Place the display of Assistant on Frames and give 1 a.
mark ... the import screen all images of the sequence and yank them into the timeline ...
... that's it ... the last week have done more often, because I had to make many corrections Shots ...
Gruss Jörg-Emil
Antwort von sunlite:

Thank you. It was actually easier than I thought;). it goes to the folder to move the timeline. I had not thought of.
schöne grüße