Frage von ulfilas:
Hi folks,
'm new here in this forum and hope that I can help someone here.
For my video I have for some time Pinnacle Studio 9 and Magix Video deLuxe the 2006th
On each of the newer versions of switch current, I verkniffen so far, because I'll guess that in principle s.den programs soooo much more likely to have changed.
But there are two programs for problems with:
A) The recording of analog video works for me when VdL not true. The display for the sound is generally fully s.Anschlag right. A manual adjustment of the level is not possible.
The recording and digitization of analog material, therefore, do I always have Pinnacle Studio 9th This works synonymous for the Aussteuerungswerkzeug the sound correctly. Merkwürdig ...
Why work at VdL not?
B) In Studio 9 is the creation of DVD menus Fummelei a miserable, with the fairly frequent crashes is connected, but apparently it is in its design somewhat freely.
I was now hoped that a similar synonymous VdL freedom permits, which appears not to be so.
As far as I can determine, it is hardly possible, s.den targets of VdL for the DVD menus to change anything. What do I do if I have items in the specifications or delete which wants to add? Is that in VdL anyway?
Neither the online documentation in the manual yet so I have found something.
C) For the above reasons, I am currently forced to work a part of the s.meinen video with Studio 9 to do the other part but with VdL.
This means, however, continuously exchange data between the programs out-and herzuschieben.
This has so far as reasonably synonymous geklappt. Recently, however, seems to be somewhere an error in it.
The following is now in effect:
I save an edited file in Studio 9 as AVI Indeo Video 5:10, so I can open in VdL.
After about 10 minutes in duration VdL but the picture is only black, while the sound correctly, but is available. The only chance that I currently have is video from Studio 9 in "bites" of 10 minutes in length and separately abzuspreichern in VdL back to the overall film together.
This may not be so kind, and this effect is not synonymous previously occurred.
The reverse export of VdL after Studio 9 (which I unfortunately am instructed to Studio 9 before the final firing sound and especially customized DVD menus apply - see above) now works no longer synonymous. Miscellaneous Export format is no longer VdL, ie VdL captures not only s.zu expected. So I get my materials no longer in Studio 9 back.
Where is the cause?
Is there a lossless (!) Codec, for both Programs in both directions?
If yes, where do I find and how do I install them both?
Thank you already for your help.
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Studio and Magix on a system that is often such problems, as shown here:
Probably the playback filter for some codecs wrong, then that means that the program no longer needed codec and instead find another use of Windows default explanation see eg
You can of course try to Merritwerte the required codecs manual in order, for example, that would be relatively comfortable with Gspot possible.
Or you decide for yourself just one of the two Programs.
One attempt would be synonymous, VDL once to be completely uninstalled after the uninstall or install clean of Magix (you can find in the download area of Magix under Tools-> Misc.: Http:// php? lang = en & page = download) and then execute VDL then reinstall. Theoretically, it should then work again, because fewer high merit VDL enters as a studio ... but I put my hand into the fire is not.
Codecs, which are suitable for the exchange would Huffyuv, s.besten with the latest available patch (, the codec is already older, but is always still like to use, the files are slightly larger.
Or Lagarith (would be my favorite):
synonymous or the MSU Lossless Video Codec (find me a bit slow):
As for the DVD creation, described something accurately, what you want because so many go under VDL, but not introduced synonymous ...
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von ulfilas:

Hello Gast0815,
Thanks for the quick response.
The posting of your links, I have now run at them. They were quite informative synonymous and have me a little bit smarter, but my problem is so - unfortunately - still not resolved.
To your question about my expectations for the DVD menus:
At Studio 9, I find it quite pleasant, for example, that it is theoretically possible, with several menu levels to work. (we leave it here just outside of handling himself in the menu creation is not really the yellow from the egg, but with a little patience and Fummelei is quite useful which get added.)
As a challenge now, for example, comes out and again:
Digitizing a music show on television - be it music store, Beat Club, Disco or whatever is always synonymous. It is only a matter of principle.
Now I would like my DVD s.Anfang menu have a "whole show" or, as the second option "Title selection". I click on "Title selection", will appear a different tableau in which all the title or program of the consignment in question are listed and are individually selectable.
With Studio 9, as I said, it is the synonymous realize.
With Magix Video deLuxe is apparently not: The menus are set, the number of menu items seem synonymous, new menu items, I could not add or possibly unneeded weglöschen.
Another ramification of an additional, third sub-menu, can not be synonymous.
All this is a major shortcoming, which is VdL concerns. There are other features, which previously cut and Picture-/Sound-Optimisation and handling concerns for lengths larger than the 9-sparse Studio tools.
As a consequence, therefore, remains only in VdL editing, creating menus and burning but then again in 9th studio
Cumbersome, time consuming and annoying ... : o (
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Hm, I'm not sure if I have understood you correctly.
Individual scenes of a movie on a submenu anzuspringen is no problem if the marker in the film project in advance manual set, which is synonymous for each film, if you have several movies / Consequences to want to burn a DVD, which is then in the upper Menuebene should lie. And in the shaping of the surfaces you can but synonymous own background pictures or images from the respective film chosen as the placement of buttons to move, music has been unsuccessful, an intro to use etc.
To connect again pro / contra old / new VDL-back version, one of the differences is also synonymous in Mpeg2 creation. My 2006 version or the older verewendet Ligos encoder, then moved to Magix MainConcept.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von ulfilas:

Yes, this may be everything.
Trotzalledem I find s.None body in burning menu, tools that I need when I change the default menu will say: given title COMPLETELY remove individual menu items to add or delete. I find answers to these questions, unfortunately, not synonymous in the documentation.
The exchange of the background image is not a thing, because I give you right.
And lets VdL 2006 - declare themselves to be - synonymous not more than two levels in the self MenuHierarchie too.
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Unfortunately, I can you can not say more because I sort of still had no need. My recommendation would be, however, your question again in Magix VDL-to Forum (; Hajj and Co. then you can certainly tell whether (and if so how) something with VDL feasible.
Greetings from Marburg