Frage von UweA:
am totally new in the "movie business" and did the same course at the beginning of something bigger problems ... As soon as I with Magix 2008 deluxe scenes with the proposed cut commands, jerky behind the picture is not only synonymous but s.PC in DVD player for the burning process. Furthermore s.and shifted to the soundtrack? The individual scenes are mpg of a Sony digital camera. Unfortunately, the manual Magix synonymous not much since.
I would be very grateful for any tip!
Thank you and LG!
Antwort von joerg-emil:

Hi Uwe,
While cumbersome, but the export of Mpeg Sonyzunächst as DV-AVI and do this next, so should not Magix Mucke ... Try it first with a short piece, obs klappt ...
gruß Jörg Emil
Antwort von Gast 0815:

after importing the file into Timlin right click table and frame can be generated in order to keep the Syncproblem then disappeared.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von UweA:

Thanks folks! You have me almost life saved. That would have without cutting Taufvideo not really that which doll! ;-)
Have each "small movies" as a DV AVI export (about Magix because of previously deleted Kamrea ..) and already there's no longer a problem afterwards.
So, again thanks 1000-and a beautiful WE!
LG, Uwe
Antwort von gschoen57:

I have also a Sonyand thus mpeg files, which I rüberhole of the DVD. But I do sometimes up to 300 individual files have is the effort to convert everything into AVI but also very high and very probably synonymous disk space intensive. Is the problem that mpeg files are not properly processed may be something new, or you need to take this software for about 50 euros just to live that you do not mpge files can handle, ie, I have purchased the software for free?