Frage von fabriquez:
I have this codec won here in the forum and would like to know what he can possibly bring me new. I already have the Procoder 2.0 Canopus in conjunction with a map. Because I think I will not necessarily need the full version and would give away here, s.jemanden, who can really make good use of synonymous, and thus works.
gruss fm.
Antwort von AndyZZ:

The MainConcept DV Codec is a DV codec, which can replace the most-used Microsoft DV codec. He is quite good quality and above all much faster than the Microsoft DV codec. Makes itself felt in Ausrendern as AVI.
The MainConcept DV Codec is NOT to encode of MPEG material such as the Procoder 2.0 can, too.
If you can work well with the Procoder, you need the MainConcept DV codec, probably not.
And if you want to give it away: I would let him give me happy. Do me that is struggling with the Microsoft DV codec, it is certainly not bad, but still a lot slower. Grades in major projects, which then makes itself felt already.
Can I even anmailen times:
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Differences see here: DV Codecs.html
(MainConcept is faster)
Antwort von fabriquez:

Okay thx,
I know that I need not give away, and it hereby s.AndyZZ;)
To which he brings you many benefits!
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Spitzenmäßig! I'm impressed ... Do you have an email address or do you want Anfunk me about my profile, wg. Shipping address. In your profile, unfortunately, nothing is stored.
Antwort von fabriquez:

Habs sent to you via e-mail:)
Antwort von Tobias:

Now that (almost all) are happy, I try a 'beginner question' position in this context :-)
I work with Premiere Pro 1.5 and copy via "Capture movies from my DV camcorder (SonyDCR TRV30E) via firewire on my plate. But this is already used a DV codec? Does it make a qualitative (!) Difference if I would take a different (superior quality) as MainConcept DV Codec or Canopus or takes the 'copy' to the exclusion of the codec?
Greetings Tobi.
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Good question. By default, is used here is certainly the Microsoft DV codec. Whether you already s.der body can use the MainConcept and whether it makes sense, I can not answer, unfortunately. But when I played with the new erstmal MainConcept DV codec, perhaps I know more.
@ Fabian:
Mail has arrived. Hot thanks!
Antwort von Bundarama:

If you simply digital DV material (recordings as you surely with "Capture via Firewire doing) is transported in fact just pure stream, and it is initially neither encoded nor decoded. The codec (short for coder-decoder) does not come into play.
Only if you edited the material to be played off (or exportierst) must be re-encoded. And here I use instead of the Microsoft codec s.liebsten the Main Concept DV codec because it is quite fast and high quality.
Supposed to be) Very good (and cheap even synonymous the Matrox DV codec, with which my old editing software but not klarkam only in NTSC and PAL displays.
With the Canopus codec, I have no experience, but I seem to remember that one must be careful when with the "broadcast-ready colors." The Canopus namely using the entire Tonwertebereich of pure white to pure black. So Sicherheitshaltber Premiere dazuschalten the filter effect "for broadcast colors."
Antwort von Jörg:

Hi Tobias,
of working in
the Appro DVcodec MainConcept.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Tobias:

Only if you edited the material to be played off (or exportierst) must be re-encoded. And here I use instead of the Microsoft codec s.liebsten the Main Concept DV codec because it is quite fast and high quality.
But if I choose the export "on tape spend" I can not codec. If the hot when this option is that here is synonymous not re-encoded or is in the background, just the standard DV codec used (I guess s.der MS DV codec)?
Merci. Tobi.
Antwort von Jörg:
the standard DV codec used (I guess s.der MS DV codec)? again: hidden behind the Main Concept!
Antwort von prem:
the standard DV codec used (I guess s.der MS DV codec)?
again: hidden behind the Main Concept! Ok, Jörg - I understood. But still do not know whether an export to tape will be re-encoded. I'm going now views them from ..?
Merci. Tobi.
Antwort von AndyZZ:
Hi Tobias,
of working in the Appro DVcodec MainConcept.
Gruß Jörg Problem: What do you think is the MPEG2 encoder inside of Premiere Pro. This is one of MainConcept.
If you play your material, but as an AVI, then Premiere Pro automatically takes back to the Microsoft DV AVI codec.
Antwort von Jörg:

Moin Andy,
Problem: What do you think is the MPEG2 encoder inside of Premiere Pro. This is one of MainConcept. If you play your material, but as an AVI, then Premiere Pro automatically takes back to the Microsoft DV AVI codec. Now ne correction is something beautiful, you should not correct it just in the wrong. I
mean even the right, the DV codec
As the MS DV codec codec is occurring in APP and is now First of a Main Concept. Point.
He is licensed of Adobe and integrated into the program.
For doubters: @ 163.IzOTfZYUjYN.10 @ .3 bbc1091 / 0
Gruß Jörg
@ Tobias
Yes, as soon as any change was made s.Quellmaterial.
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Since I must look straight times at home .... Where and how can I verify this? Thanks for the tip.
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Well, is unsupported by the preferences nor in the manual nor in the program folder, any reference to a MainConcept DV Codec in Premiere Pro ....
Antwort von Jörg:

Load a recorded clip in APP spot in G, look at the status of the codecs listed on.
Gruß Jörg