Frage von mex:
it was often in a subordinate clause in various tests and forums to read:
"jerky zoom" in the EX1.
That order, however, a professional operation is virtually impossible to come are not really clear.
Now, in practice, I must say as neo EX1 owners, unfortunately, that this error makes a very good camera s.sich a problem child.
PrimeSupport finds himself unable to correct the evil, as the lack Sonyauf response remains to be seen in the next few weeks.
But it remains completely unclear why relatively expensive for a semi-professional camera that does not work, what can my xv 2000, which is a Canon HV30 (; price 750 Euro) and was significantly cheaper synonymous Sony HDV cameras can. Namely, slow and soft start zooming.
On my EX1 Leaps in 8 of 10 Zoomstarts the Zoom with relatively high speed and then slowly weiterzuzoomen.
I tested some other EX1 and EX3, synonymous here the same problem.
So my little tip of: zoom button to test critical if you want, I do not like unpleasant surprises with the EX1.
About the reaction of Sony Austria, I would like to inform next.
Lg everybody
Antwort von deti:

This problem exists definitely in the majority of on the market EX1 / 3 does not. Therefore, we must not tolerate a failure and should be synonymous s.den contact Sony Support to correct the problem promptly permit. If Sonyeine repair is not possible, so that there remains only the exchange of the camera, she did not, understandably, prefer the first thing considered.
Antwort von r.p.television:
This problem exists definitely in the majority of on the market EX1 / 3 does not. Therefore, we must not tolerate a failure and should be synonymous s.den contact Sony Support to correct the problem promptly permit. If Sonyeine repair is not possible, so that there remains only the exchange of the camera, she did not, understandably, prefer the first thing considered.
Deti Myself have already had two synonymous EX1 in my hand where Kriechzooms bumpy losstotterten. So is not so rare.
This is only the stupid one after the third customer is entitled to rescission (or I am wrong there?). A timely correction is not possible.