Frage von greenhorn:
a very annoying thing in After Effects is that even if material moves into the timeline, the new item is placed auto s.der current time point. Especially in areas of color and setting levels, I find this very annoying. Is there any way to remedy this?
Antwort von Chris2:

Hi Peter,
no problem: Just open in c: \ Documents and Settings \ [username] \ Application Data \ Adobe \ After Effects \ Prefs \ Prefs.txt the text file in a text editor.
Now looking for "Drop Footage s.Zero" (or something similar) and set the value of 00 to 01.
Well placed After Effects every auto footage s.Anfang the timeline.
Antwort von Jörg:

change in the prefs but I lose the ability clips exactly s.der TL place marker.
I bring the clips In point by Alt + Pos1
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Peter,
You could be the IN-point of the newly inserted clip synonymous subsequently set to 0:00:00. It happens fast: Just to the time indicating the IN point and click "enter 0" (return). ;-)