Frage von hemmer:
Moin ...
I have a movie rotated and do this now in black and white with colored elements. I have, as in many tutorials described a picture track with Color Passport occupied, the other in black and white. In Video Track 3 is the mat, the mat with tracking on video track 2 is linked. Now to the problem: The part of the picture, the color shines through, has the shape of the mat, but is not the place where the mat is. He is slipping. Even if I move the mat, the color stays where it is. In some settings, everything works perfectly, others do not, even though everything is the same ... Thanks for any tip ...
Antwort von Jörg:

this problem took me half a night once tasted my desk and some Bißspuren brings.
Because of the evil is, you can not track matte Animating if these invisible ist.Kopiere you track your mat into a new sequence, delete the old and add the new sequence to third in track. Now it should work?
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von hemmer:

hi .. schonmal good that you've solved the problem, makes me hopeful! I have the matte into a new sequence is copied and then the sequence on video track three (my matte) placed. In this sequence is just the mat, right? It remains but all the old, the same problem as before. I have now no more ideas. Tell me please if I have time to your plan accordingly made and if so, whether you still have other ideas ... Thank you
Antwort von Jörg:

copy the matte from the original sequence and delete it there, there remain 2 tracks footage. Insert the new dull in Seq. then in the lane 3 of Ursprungsseq.
Antwort von hemmer:

yes, just ichs've made, always happens the same. Always, to which no preference and how many tracks in the sequence are ...
Antwort von Jörg:

make take a screenshot here of the timeline and the effect settings of the matte
Antwort von Wiro:
In some settings, everything works perfectly, others do not, even though everything is the same ... Still ne idea about this:
You must abide by a certain sequence. Go to all settings, so as for those where it works.
Gruss Wiro