Frage von Greghack:
I am in search of menu templates for video studio 11th The PowerPack of Ulead's probably only with Video Studio 11 Pros. Has anyone a tip?
Thank you very much
Antwort von Georg:

Create your own!
Menus of VS and FB are UFO Files - a Ulead own format.
Can with PhotoImpact edited and changed.
Antwort von Greghack:

I have unfortunately just not the time (still a bit lacking to me the desire) reinzufuchsen me. Especially since I do not synonymous PhotoImpact did.
Really a shame that the Power Pack only works for 11 Pros. Another possibility does not exist, right? Is there somewhere more download options for Themes?
Antwort von Georg:

I had only known this one
However, there is no more.
Moreover, one could with patience and spit the DVD templates from older Ulead applications.
I had tried something in the direction of the legs to deliver, but if there mitzieht None ...
What is missing you like it?
You can acuhinnerhalb of VS but the menus change - background, frames, buttons and layout
Antwort von Greghack:

I'd like what with notes.
With the same place on its feet, there is not really "green" art thumbs added:-o
Maybe someone has it and what times would own me ... may perhaps ... yes an email with a tiny Anhängchen send.
For all eventualities ever thank you in advance
Antwort von Fenek:

In my last movie I dsa Intro zb created with Flash (Macromedia) and then imported into MSP.
Ging einwenadfrei
With Flash you have already super Möglchheiten Intros to create ..
Damn: D
I did it with so MSP8 completed, but you use the V11 ...
Antwort von Georg:

Try it but try.
VS11 is synonymous with Flash conditionally handle them. Check out the library in Flash animations.
The new VS X2 Flash is synonymous spend. (FLV)
Antwort von hannes:

> VS11 is synonymous with Flash conditionally handle them.
can import it but not
and for the FLV output as synonymous, I have still found nothing.
Antwort von Georg:

FLV will only be possible under X2
In the library of VS11 but are Aniamtion Flash. These have to somehow come to be there. Possibly. , a copy of the file in the appropriate folder and this is then added to the library when the program starts up.