Frage von nox828:
'm on the lookout for new menu's for Pinnacle. I think the standard menu's a bit unimaginative * sorry * and am now looking for others! Unfortunately, a layman can s.Werk and even create their own menu, knows someone interesting menu's for download?
Ever * thanks *
cia nox828
Antwort von MiXMaster:

Pinnacle offers under the name
"Pinnacle Premium DVD approx 40 - 50 DVD menus sometimes synonymous with Animated. Also sound effects are on the DVD. The best course is to prepare meals themselves.
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

You can make any movie scene to the menu. Just set the Menustrucktur the synonymous Finished with a menu is visible under your clip you want to make the menu. Beginning and Endpukt set and done.