Frage von atheobe:
someone can give me Microphone which I recommend for both the Camera as synonymous for Comuter use .... or is it not advisable?
Antwort von joerg-emil:

Hi atheobe,
Well, this is a broad field, depends on what you with the Microphone want to do. Moreover, one would have to know what kind of connector your camcorder and your computer.
Basically, the requirements for rotation with the Camera and the Computer Nachbesprechen s.heimischen but very different.
During filming, I use an external stereo condenser microphone with battery power. Stereo therefore synonymous so that I can have a spatially Atmo-sounding record. The Microphone has 6m cable, so I think it is synonymous voice recordings can be positioned well, then I switch it to mono, however.
On the computer I use Nachbesprechen a good dynamic microphone. This has the advantage that it only absorbs in the near field and the spatial noise (computer fans, street noise, etc.) largely suppressed. I have in my home is not possible, all of these noises off. The Micro, I have a mixer s.Line input of my soundcard, never the micro-input sound cards, since they have very bad microphone, all necessary for rich Internet applications.
But, as I said, there is a broad field and depends of the respective applications. Unfortunately, there is not "the universal micro" for everything ...
Greetings from the Rhine
Jörg Emil
Antwort von bjoerni:
so I think it is synonymous voice recordings can be positioned well, then I switch it to mono, however. What schal Gunde you to Mono? As a layman I would say first that I can record in stereo and then my "better" Page (right or just left) to choose. Or is it a question of bandwidth (mono = less data)?
Antwort von joerg-emil:

@ bjoerni
... you have quite obviously .. was perhaps a little easier to express, actually, I can not switch to Mono, I convert voice recordings later on mono and then a compression that thanx for the hint ....