Frage von crazy-spy:Hello,
I would like for my camcorder to purchase a better microphone. There is indeed the one hand, the DM-50 of Canon, of which I've read that the intrinsic noise of the action does not adequately shield .... then there is the Best Sennheiser MKE300. Here is just stop the problem is that this is lousy long and definitely be on view at the top of the screen to be .... which is not Microphone, allzuteuer, can you recommend me for this Cam? I want to stop the beautiful, clear sound without background noise, halt nen directional microphone such as the DM-50 ... this is good or do you? Opinions?
Thanks guys,
Antwort von Markus:
Hello Basti,
it was also in the following contribution to the length of a microphone. Maybe you can use the local tips synonymous with your future Microphone?
Zu große MikrosBTW: Die Kennzeichnung einer Frage als WICHTIG/DRINGEND hat meist den gegenteiligen Effect, nämlich dass man länger auf eine Antwort warten muss oder womöglich gar keine bekommt. Mehr dazu:
Marking your questions as "not important". I have amended your title line. ;-)