Frage von SammyGray:
Bin shcon longer bwz looking for an intelligent Microsystems for interviews in Dissen on events.
They should stop bit if it goes almost hear garkeine background noise.
Because someone gave me some recommendations?
Thank you!
Lg Sammy
Antwort von mdb:
Bin shcon longer bwz looking for an intelligent Microsystems for interviews in Dissen on events. Where or what is Dissen?
They should stop bit if it goes almost hear garkeine background noise. Sennheiser SKM 5000 s.Kinn is considered synonymous in the Backstreet Boys concert between screaming girls with no problems.
In addition to starting jets should be then a Coles Lip Micro However, the video is not quite the Pops
Antwort von Acer:
Dissen Probably nightclubs?
Antwort von SammyGray:

Thanks for the reply:)
Oops .. Dissen Disotheken = ;-)
Well with about 2000 euros but quite expensive ..
I thought so s.max 300 euros.
LOL ... because I would kill my moderators .. when I would arrive with sowas * ggg *
Lg Sammy
Antwort von Acer:

with what is now 2000 ¬? The Micro?;.) Do not come across with ...;-)
Antwort von SammyGray:

Antwort von rush:

sennheiser md 440th .. price slide may take so gegend into this ... need not synonymous speisung as synonymous dynamically and thus very robust.
Antwort von SammyGray:

should be to have a new ...
due to sell, etc.
but thanks .. I look for times:)
Antwort von WW:

Good, you can do the Microphone Sennheiser MD 421 Of. This is a kidney. It costs so around 250 euros. But you should have a high quality preamplifier. In quiet environments, it could rustle something else.
Antwort von mdb:
Well with about 2000 euros but quite expensive .. Why? $ 760 at the link
LOL ... because I would kill my moderators .. when I would arrive with sowas * ggg * Das also embellished some one finally gets a TV station logo well into the picture, if one adheres to the Micro.
Antwort von Spike²:

How about with a radio lapel Micro?
I personally use this as my characters in 15 meters distance standing in the water and fishing. But if you have 2 pcs. take them to pay attention to these frequencies at different Send / Receive.
Oh yes do the parts do not cost much, s.9, 99 gehts los and return to the top, as always, no limit. I have the 9.99 and parts are really fantastic, bought the other parts of the synonymous thought the noise would be, but not true, my noise is not.
Ride on the Eighth You have full Batteries with ...
So ...
Antwort von jabone:

How about with the Rode VideoMic. I got mine today and had a Comparison made between internal microphone NV-GS 500 and Rode VideoMic with -30 dB, -15 dB, and 0 db. The tone is just fantastic Stosch, it sounds very professional. At -15 db no noise is heard in very clear, loud reception.
Antwort von Markus:
At -15 db no noise is heard in very clear, loud reception. How have you tested this with regard to the above question? Turning 'views on your stereo and then do' odd interview. Würde mich mal interested to know how that sounds ... ;-)
Otherwise, I would use a dynamic vocal microphone with cardioid polar pattern. The best one that we discuss very close in order to get a decent level. Then the light enters into that very fact. ;-)
Antwort von beiti:
Otherwise, I would use a dynamic vocal microphone with cardioid polar pattern. The best one that we discuss very close in order to get a decent level. Then the light enters into that very fact. ;-) Can I confirm from experience. The decisive factor here is not so much the quality of the microphone, but the distance to the mouth.
Important would be synonymous to hold the microphone during the interview, contrary to the sound source, therefore, not to place the interviewee just so that the speakers just behind him.
Antwort von mdb:
I have the 9.99 and parts are really fantastic. I allow myself because certain doubts
Antwort von Markus:
I allow myself because certain doubts Perhaps the host has never heard a better microphone? - A blind man could find safe synonymous white image great. ;-)
Antwort von WW:

So, wireless microphones, I believe to be unsuitable synonymous when it comes to lead in discotheques interviews - both through the speakers on the spot as synonymous for a recording. This should be very unempfinliche microphones. And the badges are now and not at all. Apart from this useful plug-on type rather expensive - Receiver + Transmitter + Micro at the 2000 Euro ...
So I'm saying: Take the MD 421st Conceivable that more directional synonymous MD 441, but costs almost synonymous to 800. If it is not so much about brilliant tones: How about with Shure Nahbesprechungsmikros?
Greeting WW
Antwort von SammyGray:

what should already be on hand! I'll look at the times md 421st
Shure Nahbesprechungsmikro??
Antwort von prem:

Shure Nahbesprechungsmikro?? bspw shure sm 58th. one of the bekanntestenbühnenmikros ... rückkopplungssicher by proximity effect ... say, is only directly addressed the entire spectrum of voice transmit ... Schohe within a few centimeters distance changed the sound much / it quieter ...
the target rode VideoMic MUs is not suitable for such a situation .. It starts with the sides still too much to ... in this instance as much as possible really more of a directional dynamic micro ala md441 / 421 or nachbesprechungsmic ..
I have made very good experiences synonymous with the akg d 230 .. However Jugel `ne and therefore too much noise when the burner is not synonymous ... ;)
It is not easy with the microphones si ... :)
Antwort von beiti:
I have the 9.99 and parts are really fantastic. - I allow myself because certain doubts Depends what you compare to what. If one compares the 9.99-part with a dynamic Sennheiser under identical circumstances, the Sennheiser sound better.
But if you replace an expensive Sennheiser shotgun microphone on the camera in a noisy environment by a 9.99-Microphone, which is held near s.den mouth of the interviewee, can under certain circumstances, the Billigmikrofon deliver better sound.
To the microphone quality: Voice are with regard to transfer the frequency range is relatively modest, so it must not necessarily be of a high-quality vocal microphone. However, the microphone should have a good Wind-/Poppschutz, so there will be no noise in close vocal use. In the price range of 25 to 50 euros you get quite usable dynamic stage mics.
Antwort von jabone:

EDIT: crap, wrong posted.
Antwort von Jan:

Yes, I accept the interview synonymous directional micro Sennheiser - MKE 300 with me - because there really is only for the most part the voice of musician on it and very little noise, simple foam protection is already included.
Antwort von BjörnF:

In a noisy environment Anteckmikros simply nothing any good - no preference whether for 10 or 300 euros. The simply take too much of the surrounding area with.
The important thing is the proximity of the mic to the sound source. This goes with stage / singing / Nahbesprechungsmikros such as the Shure SM57 or synonymous with directional microphones, such as nem Sennheiser ME66 or similar.
Critical to the understanding is always the difference in level between environmental and Language.
Sometimes it is simply not synonymous, but nice if you can hear the screaming voice of the facilitator (which he in a loud environment einfach mal auto) makes synonymous wenns is technically ok. Da ne "quiet" corner is then the elegant variation.
Antwort von beiti:
Sometimes it is simply not synonymous, but nice if you can hear the screaming voice of the facilitator (which he in a loud environment einfach mal auto) makes synonymous wenns is technically ok. Da ne "quiet" corner is then the elegant variation. Is not so easy to talk softly to realize when because of the ambient noise can no longer hear his own voice. Not for nothing so hard of hearing tend to shout unnecessarily.
Funny is always unfinished films: As party scenes in order to be more flexible sound mixing rotated without music, yet the actors have to shout, as though it around terribly loud for them. If such scenes then without layering Music (hear, for example, outtakes in the DVD extras), they sound completely stupid.