Frage von Moonwalker1701:
'm Quite new here. Only as a short introduction .. I'm 19, come from Lower Austria. 've Probably my big movie career ahead of me .. (I hope * g *) This summer I had planned together with a friend an approximately 45 minute film. Our first "Big Thing". :)
Back to my question .. For our short film, we plan to make some parts nachzuvertonen s.PC it. So far, so good. Only because my PC does not play with it. Have 3 computers. 2 desktop PCs and a laptop. When I connect the microphone and will record reveals the following problem:
1. Viiiiel The level is too low. no preference as mans sets, already have all the controllers have a burn-up. This is so especially s.PC. Ists on the laptop a little louder. No matter what program I use (Adobe Audition, Pro SuperMP3Recorder etc..) Does not go louder. Have synonymous 3 diff mics. A PMT 10, a stereo condenser shotgun microphone, karaoke microphone without normal Battery. Everywhere the same.
2. No matter what with Microphone, it's always an intolerable noise in the background. And not just noise, crackle synonymous, and so on.
And if I turn up loud, because it is indeed too low, or ride up the level, the only noise is even stronger. So a vicious circle somehow. Either whisper or recording noise. When I plug the same camcorder mics s.den (Pana NV-GS 120, or NV DS 27), I did not. The images are nice and loud, and only with "normal" background noise.
Has anyone tips for me? Whatever Art. Another program, otherwise any other sound card solutions?
I thank in advance, and wish all the movie fans still a nice evening / day (delete as appropriate * g *)
Antwort von tfp:

Hello Moonwalker1701,
I tfp somewhat longer, 20 years old and just returned from the bathroom.
At the No. 1 problem I can not tell you much, sorry.
Is to issue No. 2: This may sound pretty stupid, but I've had more Experience (such as: "My broken televisions come I get it just will not start." "The power cable is unplugged."): You think that Mirco vileicht too close s.Deinen mouth? Because then you have obviously taken with your Ausatemgeräusche.
For your great career, I wish you all good.
I thank in advance, and wish all the movie fans still a nice evening / day (delete as appropriate * g *) What Color? * g *
Antwort von Moonwalker1701:

Thanks for the response times!
No, that's impossible. For even if there is no noise, so in absolute silence is always hear this crackling / noise too. Unfortunately!
Antwort von Cutaway:

Hello, moonwalker1701,
buy yourself an external USB sound card, then it will work synonymous with the Microphone. Good luck and
Bye Cutaway
Antwort von Moonwalker1701:

Sure? From what can be concluded that? :)
Or what would be recommended?
Antwort von steveb:

would like to bring some "serious" in this issue ... Your may Micro is just not really suited. Normally there should (unless you are really synonymous s.Mic have input connected to be heard reasonably) on. For best results, if you eg a small mixing console (of Behringer) before hanging. This desk You can then appropriately "levels" and minimize the noise with it ... a small desk you already get used "p.20-30 euros. Make sure that it has input and creates MIC. These have a higher input level. Then I would use a fairly synonymous useful program for audio dubbing.
For that I would use eg Samplitude SE. This happened several times on various computer magazine CD's as a full version. Thus, it is synonymous possible to eliminate noise at a later. In this use should be a combination synonymous Samplitude / Magix Video Deluxe, as it interfaces offer each other ...
Antwort von Moonwalker1701:

Thanks synonymous for this answer .. Yes, of course, I have a microphone connected really synonymous to the mic input. Habs tried synonymous with Line In, but the result is the same.
Which the microphone is not suitable, I'd have to talk to me still s.ehesten one, but when I tried it with 3 different (and constructing equipment for the synonymous. Are completely different) and because it sounds the same everywhere, I do not really think s . this theory.
To dub or the cutting of audio files I have Adobe Audition, and this is not so cheap grad / bad, or Goldwave. In AA, there are several ways to suppress noise. Did I already tried synonymous. Does THEORY indeed not bad. The noise is actually less, BUT the really captured, in my case, the voice still suffers from very synonymous underneath. That is, it is not possible in hindsight to correct the noise so that it is not synonymous to the recorded suffers. Nevertheless, thanks for suggestions.
I ask for more theories or suggestions. Thank you and goodbye!
Antwort von Axel:
When I plug the same camcorder mics s.den (Pana NV-GS 120, or NV DS 27), I did not. The images are nice and loud, and only with "normal" background noise. The camcorder has the steveb mentioned of "mic in". However, a Firewire port are yet both - Cam and PC? Then, saving money and'll take over Firewire to () without inserted tape.
Antwort von steveb:
Which the microphone is not suitable, I'd have to talk to me still s.ehesten one, but when I tried it with 3 different (and constructing equipment for the synonymous. Are completely different) and because it sounds the same everywhere, I do not really think s . this theory. Micros what you have used it? A subsequent noise reduction or minimization was supposed to be always possible. What it shows your Austeuerungspegel for a value (db)?
Antwort von Moonwalker1701:

A super tip Axel, thank you! So it is satisfactory! Had actually synonymous themselves must come on it. :)
Hab da noch ne bez question. Noise afterwards. What program is it recommended for? "
Antwort von Phyro-Mane:

Free) Audacity (has very good algorithms for this