Frage von berlinrocker:
I should take a course audiotechnisch.
Imagine this in a classroom with about 25 students to sit still for five in a row behind. In front of the speaker.
The speaker has its own clip-Micro and speaks mostly alone.
Important are the questions of students to be aufgezeichent significantly (but need not be high-end!)
I have since thought s.zwei mono-boundary microphones that I was in the mail processing to a mono mixe mixe and this signal with the mono speaker of a common stereo.
two questions:
1st Does it work with the microphones, there is a better alternative?
2nd Works with my stereo to the mono mix?
Thank you!
Antwort von Pianist:

That with the interfaces I would forget, these are just too many people and you'll get too little useful sound of each speaker. Why not be with to make a Tonangel s.einen vantage point and then hold it to each of the just demand? That should probably provide the best result.
Antwort von berlinrocker:

Hello Matthias,
tja stadtfinden nothing except that these events regularly and 2xpro week for the whole day. The effort is too great.
I have to even consider synonymous parallel to the live stream and modify the courses of the vorrigen day and upload ...
Therefore, the establishment if it is work even without my support.
-> As I said, the recording of the students need not be perfect (if what has come across loud enough for the OC). At present the questions of the students only through the speakers of the AnsteckMiko mitaufgenommen ... So very quiet!
Do you know a better solution? What mics would you take?
Thank you!
Antwort von Pianist:

Then I would still rather depend on the ceiling of two microphones, it's all better than the way you do it now. I thought the way that it is a unique event. If that is regularly would, of course, a permanent installation better.
Antwort von dagger_pca:

Or 1-2 mics on tripods and class direction of setting up front:)
Antwort von rush:

Or the students to bring a wired or wireless microphone synonymous to take in hand and only then to ask the question :-)
Otherwise, I would attach synonymous 1-2 directional pipes and tripod or place on record the questions that separately ...
Antwort von berlinrocker:

I have already thought synonymous s.die ceiling installation (I would s.liebsten synonymous) is the only institution for which is to be made interested s.einer very cost-effective solution and I befürchet could be more expensive ...
Does anyone have experience with a wide cardioid pickup pattern with?
That would be my second idea. Two such microphones like the students set up the even the front rows and even the back rows are covered. Practicable? ..
Since Tripods would disrupt the view of the beamer presentation, I could use two pre-installed wall brackets to attach the mics and go diagonally to the download limit! Practicable?
Regards Niels
Antwort von dagger_pca:

Hey, as many normal kidneys, but no gym or something, or do you? ;)
auftstellen Easy auspegeln - enough:)
A capacitor would s.besten, but dynamically adjusts to eight emergency
You can make the next Tripods at Page, the Picture ...
Antwort von berlinrocker:

Hmm .. sounds easy :-)!
The room is 6x9m old building ..
Antwort von shipoffools:
... But dynamically adjusts to eight emergency
... Dynamic? Tell no nonsense.
The talk from several meters away. If he sets up as dynamic microphones, he's could just leave the Lavaliermikro of speakers.
Condenser (cardioid or omni - depending on installation site).
For example, something like two of the Rode NT3 Page forward.
The wall with the holders, if the left and right of the people and could reasonably front of the room is that you can point the mic to his mouth (and not to the back) of the students, that be a good solution.
Antwort von berlinrocker:

Well thank you! That was me already a great help!
Just to again to come back to my mixes, which should really be a problem synonymous:
two mono (the two Mikos of the students) to a mono mix and this further with a mono (micro-speakers) to glue together a stero .. 0815 home with the software would make it really easy to be?
Antwort von berlinrocker:

For example, something like two of the Rode NT3 Page forward.
You still know ne better alternative to the Rode NT3?
Antwort von shipoffools:

You still know ne better alternative to the Rode NT3? Yepp: eg Rode M3 - Should it do for your purposes, synonymous.
Note, however, that condenser microphones phantom power (+48 V) need, either by the host device itself or of an interposed mixer, otherwise does nothing ...
The two Rode mics can alternatively be operated) by battery power (9-V block.
Antwort von dagger_pca:

Hey, clearly you can do with the dynamic, is not so good
as with capacitor, but if you have enough reinforced and aussteuert.
Of course, if you have the choice, you should take or capacitor
For stereo question
What do you need stereo? In the end, do not you think stereo determines
but 2 channel ... That would be no problem if you have individual tracks ...
Antwort von berlinrocker:

What do you need stereo? In the end, do not you think stereo determines
but 2 channel ... That would be no problem if you have individual tracks ... Thanks for the tips, I think I can work out well!
Yes clearly, not 2 channel stereo! ... ;-)
Thanks guys! :-)