Frage von Lothar:
Is it possible to umzukopieren Digibeta to MiniDV lossless as possible?
Camera. Canon XL2, 16:9, Edius 3.5 editing software (which can be played as synonymous DVCam)
Thank you
Antwort von PowerMac:

Clear. You connect two Mazen and copying.
Antwort von beiti:

The best quality is obtained when is a professional DV Player (a DVCam or DVCPro device to be) with SDI output is used. Then you should already aware of.
There will be copying firms anstöpseln simply a consumer DV player via composite analog ... : (
If the DigiBeta to be used as transmission towers, they may have additional requirements (color bars, tone, the film begins at a specific time code position, etc.). Should we clarify in advance with the recipient.
Antwort von ulle:

how is it with the farbsampling, compression, etc.? miniDV but do not really represents the quality of digibeta.
Copy the simple but I only play with low quality material on a band with a higher, right? say, I still continue to work with 4:2:0 and a higher compression rate, as is usual with DV?
It gives a possibility to adjust farbsampling and compression of DV to digibeta? someone had posted times that of a plugin, but that is not precisely defined.
beste grüße
Antwort von PowerMac:

You mix two themes: the quality and format.
Of course, the quality of DV is not better when transferred to Digibeta DV. And of course everything will be extrapolated. Digibeta contains 4:2:2 with less compression. Which does not comply with DV, but DV is projected s.tape later than now available in Digibeta 4:2:2.
Antwort von PowerMac:
(...) There is a possibility to adjust farbsampling and compression of DV to digibeta? someone had posted times that of a plugin that does not define precisely (...) You can s.Mac with Final Cut Pro and some plug-in, whose name does not occur to me (Nattress?) Actually interpolate missing chroma values. This may look better may be a "Upconvert" in the MAZ.
Antwort von Markus K.:

DVcam interpolated during playback on the missing color information by SDI 4:2:2. Is synonymous software that can, for example, the Deartifacter from Red Giant Magic Bullet Editors of. If, however, very slow and the differences from the real-time conversion from the DVcam are marginal or absent. Compared with the DV material but it is already a visible difference when was hochgesampelt to be 4:2:2 (no preference whether with plug-in or software) - the typical data processing steps s.harten color gradations, then away.
Antwort von PowerMac:

True, this requires even SDI, 4:2:2 is taking nothing.
Antwort von Markus K.:
True, this requires even SDI, 4:2:2 is taking nothing. Correct, but the output is not necessarily synonymous to SDI that the missing color information is interpolated in the DVcam I Sonyweiß of it, because there is clearly visible.
I do not know how to behave as the DV JVC BR6000 when one of the SDI option installed. Whether interpolates the missing color information is then synonymous or the signal is converted to only 1:1.
Antwort von PowerMac:

It is indeed an interpolation must now take place to satisfy the 4:2:2-scan. Interpolation yes means of supplementing the missing information, which must take place. The question is whether it is a good or bad interpolation.
Antwort von Markus K.:

I would have understood by now that artificial interpolation based on the original image information can supplement the missing values.
Under a 1:1 conversion, I understand where the missing color information will be filled over the whole picture easy with a fixed value without the original image information included with. This again leads to "stairs" s.harten color transitions.
Very nice to see if one of 4:2:2 to 4:4:4 and not climbing up the equipment interpolated. Then are then suddenly, at previously clean surfaces s.den gray edge hems subtle to be seen.
Antwort von Yuri:

S.alle Hello!
What would be better in terms of quality: from MiniDV tape via prof. DV player with SDI output to Digi Beta dub directly or convert the conventional DV uncompressed quicktime file into a file and then play off in the studio on AVID on Digi-Beta recorder?
I hope I have not formulated to kompiziert:)
Antwort von Piers:

It is best, Dubber directly to your DV tape via SDI to a DigiBeta.
Previous walk, then into the Avid, and of purely there to Digi, which is more time consuming and brings you nothing s.Qualität.
You must not forget: no preference was for software, encoder, or in between Mega Calculator you revile. Your source signal is only because the DV and uncompressed codec such as Quicktime is your signal will not improve. It is and remains DV, only the packaging changes.
Antwort von Yuri:

Piers, thank you.
That converting to DV through uncompressed not get better, to me is clear. My question is rather whether it does not become worse?
It's like this I would have preferred a purely organizational and easier to convert the DV footage on Avid and to play off on DigiBeta. But of course interesseirt me if I can not dub because the quality LOSE in Comparison to tape to tape?
Antwort von WoWu:

You lose quality when transcoding always, if we are dealing with lossy codecs .... this is the case here.
It is synonymous rubbish that can be re 4:2:2 from 4:2:0 (with making the original color values). If you once have formed one of 4 color values, as is done in the 4:2:0 case, you get this color never be split into its original values.
The believe that, should concern themselves more with one color at Chroma (Department subsampling).
Nattress ChromaSmooth never mind next, as yet another interpolation, ie a linear continuation of the substituted sample, the next in many cases with the previous one (relatively rough) interpolation of the original value or removed.
In other words, 4:2:0 is already a rough estimate and the interpolation of two rough estimates, yet makes no long accurate sample. So the effect would have to happen to win 4:2:2 as closely as possible to meet again. But .... it, "smears" of course, to the Picture Who's mag ... sowas can be synonymous but "conduct of Hand" in the NLE. But this has nothing to do with but with 4:2:2 to 4:2:0 with "softened" edges. 4:2:2 color values are precise to allow a mapping of the details. This is something completely different.
And as for SDI: When one of DV come and go on Digi beta will, in any case always comes on the baseband, because there is no commonality between these digital formats. So whether you're walking in AVID, or in the DB is fairly 'jackets and trousers, "except that my product (and possibly a change) in the AVID, as long as I still edit the source codec, it can at least see.
Do I have about another codec, which is something different.
(Lossless codecs are synonymous codecs that have a "personal life").
Antwort von Piers:

hmm .... well, every conversion is lossy in principle.
I do not know of what you are talking to an Avid, but it may as well be that you
1. Of walking in uncompressed DV
2. then your AVID uncompressed during import of converts to an AVR
You will probably not see any significant quality loss, but it will probably give you. If you have just the opportunity to use the pipeline DV -> Avid -> Beta, then do not you try a try and check the Picture then s.AVID monitor. Plugs your computer time there on the composite input and then compare the images.
Antwort von Yuri:

Wolfgang, Piers, thank you!